holy crap its been a long time since I've written a post!
let's get up to speed...
nothing much happened leading up to the appointment with the fertility clinic, so i'll start there.
i'm so glad I kept the appointment! they were really nice and understanding about the situation and were willing to do what they could to help get answers, if there were any to be found. they sent me for an HSG, a hysteroscopy and a list of blood tests (both pre-O and post-O). the HSG was pretty easy for me, minimal pain, but the hysteroscopy later that afternoon? holy! my uterus had decided to move during the 2 hours between the tests and the gyno had a bit of a difficult time finding it. the US wand was so uncomfortable, the most uncomfortable one of those has ever been. the damn thing was perpendicular by the time she found my uterus! o.O but everything checked out, still completely normal and nothing pointing towards a fertility problem. fuck. not that I want there to be a problem, but it would help to know why things took so long or why I lost 2 babies. I hate not having answers! when I went for the follow up to get the results, she sent me for 2 more tests, one for a few more blood disorders that was new protocol as well as a genome or karyotyping (can't remember which one) to see if it might be a genetics issue. I haven't booked my appointment for that follow up yet. its not high on my priority list atm. but they did say that now that i'm a patient, as long as I go for yearly check-ins with them, I won't have to go through the entire referral process again and have the 18 month wait to get an appointment again. so that's also why I haven't booked the follow up to those tests yet. figured i'd stretch it out so that its a bit longer til I go for a follow up to keep my status with them.
I did ask about my future options, like if i'm not with a partner by the time i'm 35-ish and decide I want to go it alone and go the donor sperm route and she just about sent me home with an information packet! gah! I wasn't quite ready for that, but just wanted to have an idea at what i'd be looking at if I go that route, and it sounds relatively inexpensive (in comparison to IVF anyway) and i'd likely be on minimal meds to help with ovulation so the only big cost would be the sperm and the IUI procedure. so its definitely something i'm keeping in mind for the future if I don't find mr right in the next few years and still want a baby of my own : )
i'm still not on BC, and i'd prefer not to be. my main reason atm is cost since I don't have a health plan to help pay for it and i'm not having sex (at least until the last few weeks, I know, big life things that i'm not giving details about yet, sorry!) so there wasn't much of a point in paying for something that was kind of pointless. I also am a little scared to put on weight with it after working so hard on that...
I think i'm going to break my updates into a few posts that way it doesn't feel like a novel to read (or write). i'll try to remember in the next week to write up the next update, probably on general life stuff.