(cycle 1, day 9)
Last night, I was looking at my bangs and thought they could use a bit of a trim. I was going to wait another day or so since they were looking pretty good last night....
...Then I realized that there was something in my bangs. I didn't know what the hell it was. It was brown. Enough to completely freak me out. I convinced myself to smell it (not an easy task when you don't know what it is). IT WAS CHOCOLATE!!!
Now let me explain how chocolate got in my hair:
Earlier in the night, we were laying on the couch watching CBS's Monday night line-up eating chocolate chips since they were the only chocolate we had in the house. I knew he had dropped one, but I thought he found it and ate it. Apparently not as it was in my hair which prompted me to wash it out and then proceed to trim my bangs.
How's that for a late night snack?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Busy, Busy, Busy
(cycle 1, day 7)
what a busy weekend. well moreso for my husband than for me.
on friday afternoon i went to edmonton and had a lot to do, but didnt get a chance to get everything done. but i got one of the last few things i needed to change my name on done. just my health insurance is left and a couple collector's cards for various stores. what i didnt get done, was something that i cant talk about in public just yet as certain ppl cant find out yet... but when i can start telling ppl, i will :) and no, it has nothing to do with a baby yet.
after work, sean went to my moms to help her with the concrete pad she's putting in for the pool. although he didnt have to do much since they delivered the concrete late and he had to leave for our next thing on the 'to do list'. friday night, we had the fire cheifs retirement party. had a ton of fun there. not much else to say though so i'll continue onto saturday...
my husband got up to go golfing with a couple buddies before the weather stops cooperating and they cant go anymore. then we caught up on a couple shows from the week before getting ready to go to a friends wedding reception. we weren't going to stay long since we only knew a small handful of the guests. we ended up staying til around midnight since we had to come home to our puppy and let her out.
today, he's down in red deer looking for stuff for his buddie's car (my sisters boyfriend) and stuff for the basement. cannot wait for that to be done. its just taking a little longer than we wanted since we have to wait for certain things to come in and have to wait for others to be bought. i just hope it gets done for the end of october...
guess i should get started on my list of things to do for the day...
what a busy weekend. well moreso for my husband than for me.
on friday afternoon i went to edmonton and had a lot to do, but didnt get a chance to get everything done. but i got one of the last few things i needed to change my name on done. just my health insurance is left and a couple collector's cards for various stores. what i didnt get done, was something that i cant talk about in public just yet as certain ppl cant find out yet... but when i can start telling ppl, i will :) and no, it has nothing to do with a baby yet.
after work, sean went to my moms to help her with the concrete pad she's putting in for the pool. although he didnt have to do much since they delivered the concrete late and he had to leave for our next thing on the 'to do list'. friday night, we had the fire cheifs retirement party. had a ton of fun there. not much else to say though so i'll continue onto saturday...
my husband got up to go golfing with a couple buddies before the weather stops cooperating and they cant go anymore. then we caught up on a couple shows from the week before getting ready to go to a friends wedding reception. we weren't going to stay long since we only knew a small handful of the guests. we ended up staying til around midnight since we had to come home to our puppy and let her out.
today, he's down in red deer looking for stuff for his buddie's car (my sisters boyfriend) and stuff for the basement. cannot wait for that to be done. its just taking a little longer than we wanted since we have to wait for certain things to come in and have to wait for others to be bought. i just hope it gets done for the end of october...
guess i should get started on my list of things to do for the day...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Am I a Bitch, Really?
(cycle 1 day 4)
my coworker effectively ruined my day. we have this love hate relationship. we get along really well, but there are days where we just don't see eye to eye. today was one of those days. i won't go into details because i honestly dont know how it got to that point today. but i do know that she makes me feel like an uber bitch on those days when i for sure don't intentionally set out to do so.
my coworker effectively ruined my day. we have this love hate relationship. we get along really well, but there are days where we just don't see eye to eye. today was one of those days. i won't go into details because i honestly dont know how it got to that point today. but i do know that she makes me feel like an uber bitch on those days when i for sure don't intentionally set out to do so.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Look but Don't Touch
(cycle 1, day 3)
today our new washer, dryer, tv and sound system are being delivered, yay! And I literally just got the call about when they will be here :)
the only part that sucks is that we can't use anythis since it will all be staying in their boxes in the basement until reno's are done so nothing gets banged up in the process. hopefully it will serve as motivation to get it done faster, lol.
today our new washer, dryer, tv and sound system are being delivered, yay! And I literally just got the call about when they will be here :)
the only part that sucks is that we can't use anythis since it will all be staying in their boxes in the basement until reno's are done so nothing gets banged up in the process. hopefully it will serve as motivation to get it done faster, lol.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
One Month
can't believe we've been married a whole month already <3 crazy how time flies. it feels like its been longer since that amazing day. taking 4 short weeks at work and splitting up our holidays between the wedding and honeymoon made that month feel a lot longer than just a month. kind of sad it's over, but now we're starting on a new, more exciting journey :p
(cycle 1, day 2)
so i hate alberta's fall. the leaves dont turn spectacular colours like they do in most other places that experience fall. they turn brown or yellow and within a week, they proceed to fall off the trees and onto the ground. not the beautiful scenery you picture when you think of a nice fall day. disgusting.
so summer is over, at least it is here since its so damned cold, and fall pretty much already happened. boo :( and this year with our plans to start our family i can't even whole heartedly look forward to winter since i spend my winters snowboarding. won't be able to do much of that this year if any, unless it takes a while to conceive a child.... doesnt help that its been so dreary here the last 2 months with very few days of sun (like the day of our wedding). its really doing a number to my outlook on life right now. my moods are suffering because of it. where is the sun?!?!
so i hate alberta's fall. the leaves dont turn spectacular colours like they do in most other places that experience fall. they turn brown or yellow and within a week, they proceed to fall off the trees and onto the ground. not the beautiful scenery you picture when you think of a nice fall day. disgusting.
so summer is over, at least it is here since its so damned cold, and fall pretty much already happened. boo :( and this year with our plans to start our family i can't even whole heartedly look forward to winter since i spend my winters snowboarding. won't be able to do much of that this year if any, unless it takes a while to conceive a child.... doesnt help that its been so dreary here the last 2 months with very few days of sun (like the day of our wedding). its really doing a number to my outlook on life right now. my moods are suffering because of it. where is the sun?!?!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
well today we went and ordered our new front load washer/dryer and tv for the rec room. after adding in the service plans, sound system, wall mount and delivery (which we did get all of it for a decent price) we managed to spend a good portion of our wedding money. the last time i spent that much in one place was when we bought our house and paid the down payment...
so they're getting delivered this wednesday. we arent ready to use any of them, but they were all on sale so we wanted to take advantage while we could. we're still working on our furnace/laundry/storage room. so far, everything is ripped out, windows are ordered (that's another part of the money topic) and is ready to be framed, insulated and drywalled. then we can put everything in that room and fix up the electrical in the rec room and paint the walls and set up the tv.
back to the money topic. so on top of spending all that money for our new appliances and tv, we also spent $400 on two windows. tally for today: $4050. the unfortunate result of our spending spree today, less money to finish those two rooms. so maybe i dont get the upper cabinets i wanted above the washer and dryer. maybe i dont get the wash tub i wanted so it was easier to wash HayHay and paint brushes. it'll all work out, we just have to be smart with the leftover money and try not to make any mistakes that cost us money....
onto the second part of this post.
today i realized that our debt isnt getting paid down quite as fast i would like it to be with us planning on starting a family in the near future (and me currently going off the pill). it just got me a little worried that maybe we shouldnt be making this step quite yet. i mean, if we run out of money while im on mat leave, i can just go back to work early. as much i would rather stay at home with my baby for that full year since you never get that time back, i would do it for my family if we needed the money. it just made me a little sad. but my husband did promise that we get it under control so it was down to a certain amount before a baby would be born. it just makes me worry is all.
so they're getting delivered this wednesday. we arent ready to use any of them, but they were all on sale so we wanted to take advantage while we could. we're still working on our furnace/laundry/storage room. so far, everything is ripped out, windows are ordered (that's another part of the money topic) and is ready to be framed, insulated and drywalled. then we can put everything in that room and fix up the electrical in the rec room and paint the walls and set up the tv.
back to the money topic. so on top of spending all that money for our new appliances and tv, we also spent $400 on two windows. tally for today: $4050. the unfortunate result of our spending spree today, less money to finish those two rooms. so maybe i dont get the upper cabinets i wanted above the washer and dryer. maybe i dont get the wash tub i wanted so it was easier to wash HayHay and paint brushes. it'll all work out, we just have to be smart with the leftover money and try not to make any mistakes that cost us money....
onto the second part of this post.
today i realized that our debt isnt getting paid down quite as fast i would like it to be with us planning on starting a family in the near future (and me currently going off the pill). it just got me a little worried that maybe we shouldnt be making this step quite yet. i mean, if we run out of money while im on mat leave, i can just go back to work early. as much i would rather stay at home with my baby for that full year since you never get that time back, i would do it for my family if we needed the money. it just made me a little sad. but my husband did promise that we get it under control so it was down to a certain amount before a baby would be born. it just makes me worry is all.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
first step in starting a family
so last night was my last BCP. i'm excited, nervous, scared and happy all at the same time.
we had originally decided to wait until this christmas to kick the pill, but we've been talking since the wedding that maybe i go off sooner and just see what happens. not actively try, but not prevent either. there are a few reasons why i wanted to go off earlier and a couple reasons why i didnt want to.
-hopefully lose the few pounds i'd been trying to get rid off for the last year
-i can get the hormones out of my system before we were wanting to actively try, just incase it took a few months for my cycle to regulate
-hopefully be able to figure out if my cycles are regular or not
-possibly give my husband a baby before he turns 30 (something he said he would like to have)
-his sister is having a baby in january so they would be closer in age
Cons: (all of these basically have to do with getting pregnant right away....)
-not being able to go to his family reunion in new brunswick next august
-not being able to afford going on maternity leave sooner
-the uncertainty of not knowing what my cycle is and being unprepared when aunt flow visits
i'm not quite sure how i feel about it all yet. i know i can't wait to be a mom, but there's that voice in the back of my head that makes me worry about us not being ready for this.... we have a week to decide for sure if im staying off the pill or if i'm going to go one more month. i'm pretty sure this is it though.
FYI, starting when AF shows up, i'm going to be keeping track of my cycle in my blogs, so anyone that doesn't want to know about it just don't read it ;) i just want to remember everything about this journey we're taking <3
we had originally decided to wait until this christmas to kick the pill, but we've been talking since the wedding that maybe i go off sooner and just see what happens. not actively try, but not prevent either. there are a few reasons why i wanted to go off earlier and a couple reasons why i didnt want to.
-hopefully lose the few pounds i'd been trying to get rid off for the last year
-i can get the hormones out of my system before we were wanting to actively try, just incase it took a few months for my cycle to regulate
-hopefully be able to figure out if my cycles are regular or not
-possibly give my husband a baby before he turns 30 (something he said he would like to have)
-his sister is having a baby in january so they would be closer in age
Cons: (all of these basically have to do with getting pregnant right away....)
-not being able to go to his family reunion in new brunswick next august
-not being able to afford going on maternity leave sooner
-the uncertainty of not knowing what my cycle is and being unprepared when aunt flow visits
i'm not quite sure how i feel about it all yet. i know i can't wait to be a mom, but there's that voice in the back of my head that makes me worry about us not being ready for this.... we have a week to decide for sure if im staying off the pill or if i'm going to go one more month. i'm pretty sure this is it though.
FYI, starting when AF shows up, i'm going to be keeping track of my cycle in my blogs, so anyone that doesn't want to know about it just don't read it ;) i just want to remember everything about this journey we're taking <3
getting to know us (pt 1)

in oct '06, a girl i went to school with in ontario moved to edmonton with her bf. we became good friends and i was up there almost every week. a guy her bf went to school with lived out here too and we ended up meeting eachother at their place one night in dec '06. it all started there...
we found out that our lives were actually pretty intertwined together. when we were younger, his sister was my cousins best friend. his mom and my aunt were best friends. my grandma taught him in grade 6. when i was appartment hunting for college, we lived 6 blocks away from eachother for 4 months. he rented a room from my landlords father. CRAZY! we started dating in march of 2007. our first date we went snowboarding and then out for dinner. we ended up moving in together that december. after 2 years together we started house hunting. we took it slow and looked at 3 house a week since we weren't in a rush and not tied to a lease. in june '09 we found what we thought was the perfect house and put in an of
fer but unfortunately someone beat us to it by just 4 hours! we went for our holidays in ontario since he was standing in his friend's wedding and we would jump right back into house hunting when we got home. we found a house within a week of getting back, put in an offer and it got accepted! we always said when we got a house we would get a dog, so on the day we got possession, we went and looked at some puppies and picked ours out and picked her up the next week. we named her HayHay <3 she's 3/4 jack russell terrier and 1/4 beagle. her tail is always curled and she has the cutest floppy ears. she's quite the character too :)

the evening of november 5, '09, i came home from work as usual. Sean asked me to make him some coffee (which is not an odd request as he drinks about 4 cups of coffee a day). he took off upstairs to change out of his work clothes and i went about making coffee... i filled the pot with water and i open the lid to the coffee maker and a ring was sitting inside! attached to the lid was a note 'and how bout 50 years from now?' I WAS SHOCKED! that was the last thing i was expecting to be in the coffee maker, lol. over the next 9 months i planned our wedding.
The Wedding:
It was beautiful. everything i ever imagined it would be. the happiest day of our lives. i cried during nearly the entire ceremony and most of the speeches. everyone had a good time. great food. awesome music. amazing friends and family. in a word: perfect.
The Wedding:
It was beautiful. everything i ever imagined it would be. the happiest day of our lives. i cried during nearly the entire ceremony and most of the speeches. everyone had a good time. great food. awesome music. amazing friends and family. in a word: perfect.
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