in oct '06, a girl i went to school with in ontario moved to edmonton with her bf. we became good friends and i was up there almost every week. a guy her bf went to school with lived out here too and we ended up meeting eachother at their place one night in dec '06. it all started there...
we found out that our lives were actually pretty intertwined together. when we were younger, his sister was my cousins best friend. his mom and my aunt were best friends. my grandma taught him in grade 6. when i was appartment hunting for college, we lived 6 blocks away from eachother for 4 months. he rented a room from my landlords father. CRAZY! we started dating in march of 2007. our first date we went snowboarding and then out for dinner. we ended up moving in together that december. after 2 years together we started house hunting. we took it slow and looked at 3 house a week since we weren't in a rush and not tied to a lease. in june '09 we found what we thought was the perfect house and put in an of
fer but unfortunately someone beat us to it by just 4 hours! we went for our holidays in ontario since he was standing in his friend's wedding and we would jump right back into house hunting when we got home. we found a house within a week of getting back, put in an offer and it got accepted! we always said when we got a house we would get a dog, so on the day we got possession, we went and looked at some puppies and picked ours out and picked her up the next week. we named her HayHay <3 she's 3/4 jack russell terrier and 1/4 beagle. her tail is always curled and she has the cutest floppy ears. she's quite the character too :)

the evening of november 5, '09, i came home from work as usual. Sean asked me to make him some coffee (which is not an odd request as he drinks about 4 cups of coffee a day). he took off upstairs to change out of his work clothes and i went about making coffee... i filled the pot with water and i open the lid to the coffee maker and a ring was sitting inside! attached to the lid was a note 'and how bout 50 years from now?' I WAS SHOCKED! that was the last thing i was expecting to be in the coffee maker, lol. over the next 9 months i planned our wedding.
The Wedding:
It was beautiful. everything i ever imagined it would be. the happiest day of our lives. i cried during nearly the entire ceremony and most of the speeches. everyone had a good time. great food. awesome music. amazing friends and family. in a word: perfect.
The Wedding:
It was beautiful. everything i ever imagined it would be. the happiest day of our lives. i cried during nearly the entire ceremony and most of the speeches. everyone had a good time. great food. awesome music. amazing friends and family. in a word: perfect.
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