well, i guess since office life is getting pretty crappy and i'm going to be leaving with the first opportunity, this is as good a time as any to divulge what i'll be up for the next year...
i just got word back that i can start training to become a safety codes inspector! i've been waiting nearly a month for the safety codes council to do a competency review and they finally got back to me today. about time too since they said it typically takes a week, i waited 2.5 before sending an email to find out what was taking so long only to find out i actually had to send in my diploma. then i waited another 1.5 weeks and another email. finally! she also mentioned that i was granted equivalency for 2 of the courses so i'm not sure if that means i don't have to do them (which would be a score since it would save me over $500) or what? i'll get my review package in the mail in the next week and i can finally start taking the courses.
i'm basically following in my uncles footsteps. i'm just taking less time to do them, lol. he actually persuaded me to follow this path. after he told me how much i could be making and i have the schooling for it, i was convinced. yes, it will probably mean working out of town, but a massive pay raise, benefits and more vacation time? i'll take that over what i'm getting where i am. my future family just can't really survive off the money we bring in right now without always feeling money pinched.
it will probably take about a year to get all the training done so that i can get the most pay off the bat instead of getting an employer to pay for some of my training. my uncle said each course takes about a month to complete and there's about 12 courses i need to take. i can get started now, finish what i can before i have that future baby, and finish what isn't done during mat leave so i can find a new job when my mat leave runs out. that's my plan for now. it may change, it may not.
its a fantastic step in the right direction!!!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
(cycle 3, day 3)
Well, my coworker is now on a contract work basis. Our boss decided to send her home today with pay for the next pay period (probably because there isn't enough work to keep both of us busy) because she's entitled to it if he sends her home. So for the first time in 4.5 years, I'm alone in the office again.
I dislike being the only one in the office. I get no ppl interaction. I feel lonely all the time. It's quiet. It's harder to just go grab coffee for a quick break. Harder to do appointments during the day.
I worked the first year here by myself. It wasn't bad then since I had a second job at a restaurant so I got to talk to other ppl and not feel like a shut-in. I also lived at home so I saw my mom and sister all the time. Sean's always so busy between the fire department, hockey, working on vehicles, working on the house. I see him every day, but I really only get to spend time with him when our weekly shows are on on Mondays and Thursdays. I miss spending time with him, even more now that I'm alone at work.
Well, my coworker is now on a contract work basis. Our boss decided to send her home today with pay for the next pay period (probably because there isn't enough work to keep both of us busy) because she's entitled to it if he sends her home. So for the first time in 4.5 years, I'm alone in the office again.
I dislike being the only one in the office. I get no ppl interaction. I feel lonely all the time. It's quiet. It's harder to just go grab coffee for a quick break. Harder to do appointments during the day.
I worked the first year here by myself. It wasn't bad then since I had a second job at a restaurant so I got to talk to other ppl and not feel like a shut-in. I also lived at home so I saw my mom and sister all the time. Sean's always so busy between the fire department, hockey, working on vehicles, working on the house. I see him every day, but I really only get to spend time with him when our weekly shows are on on Mondays and Thursdays. I miss spending time with him, even more now that I'm alone at work.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Son Of A Freaking Bitch
(cycle 3, day 1)
title speaks for itself. i dont know what to think. i was so sure because of all my symptoms. now what? does my stomach just balloon like it already has for the next how many months until i am pregnant and i feel like a freaking whale until i have a good excuse to have gained a few pounds? i don't even feel sexy or pretty or anything if my stomach wasnt for a baby. so discouraged now cuz it feels like dh doesn't even want to make a baby since he hasn't exactly been keen in practicing making a baby. i know it's only been 2 cycles and we've only just started trying, but it won't stop me from feeling like my body let me down. i know there are plenty of women out there who have been trying for 2+ years and still no baby, but it doesn't stop my wanting a baby any less since we're only starting.
the only thing thats making me hold out hope is if it's just spotting and i actually am pregnant, but now i wont know for a couple hours.
i'm so mad. if thats what typical pregnant women feel like, i dont want to know how i'm going to feel if this is me not pregnant....
title speaks for itself. i dont know what to think. i was so sure because of all my symptoms. now what? does my stomach just balloon like it already has for the next how many months until i am pregnant and i feel like a freaking whale until i have a good excuse to have gained a few pounds? i don't even feel sexy or pretty or anything if my stomach wasnt for a baby. so discouraged now cuz it feels like dh doesn't even want to make a baby since he hasn't exactly been keen in practicing making a baby. i know it's only been 2 cycles and we've only just started trying, but it won't stop me from feeling like my body let me down. i know there are plenty of women out there who have been trying for 2+ years and still no baby, but it doesn't stop my wanting a baby any less since we're only starting.
the only thing thats making me hold out hope is if it's just spotting and i actually am pregnant, but now i wont know for a couple hours.
i'm so mad. if thats what typical pregnant women feel like, i dont want to know how i'm going to feel if this is me not pregnant....
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My Grandma's Book
(cycle 2, day 29)
so my grandma has written her life story. i read it. is it something i enjoyed reading? yes, except for the very scattered format it was written in. it's like a bunch of random facts just kinda thrown together in some order, but slightly out of order and seemingly having no tie to the previous paragraph or the proceeding paragraph. cuz of that, it was a little hard to read. the family tree that she has in the back is really confusing since there's not really any uniformity in the format. don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed learning things about her life and the rest of the family's history that i didn't know before, it was just a bit hard to read and keep the timeline straight.
as for my story, i still don't know for sure if i'm pregnant. no AF, but no BFP either. i'm still pretty sure that i am, but now i have to wait a few more days to find out for sure. either i get AF or i don't. i'm waiting until wednesday (CD 33) to test again. all of this coming after my boss talked to me yesterday about slightly restructuring the office. once i do know for sure that i'm pregnant, whenever that may be, i don't know what other 'restructuring' he's going to do when both of us are pregnant knowing we'll be on maternity leave at the same time.... i just hope i can keep my job with the same hours until i can do otherwise.
so my grandma has written her life story. i read it. is it something i enjoyed reading? yes, except for the very scattered format it was written in. it's like a bunch of random facts just kinda thrown together in some order, but slightly out of order and seemingly having no tie to the previous paragraph or the proceeding paragraph. cuz of that, it was a little hard to read. the family tree that she has in the back is really confusing since there's not really any uniformity in the format. don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed learning things about her life and the rest of the family's history that i didn't know before, it was just a bit hard to read and keep the timeline straight.
as for my story, i still don't know for sure if i'm pregnant. no AF, but no BFP either. i'm still pretty sure that i am, but now i have to wait a few more days to find out for sure. either i get AF or i don't. i'm waiting until wednesday (CD 33) to test again. all of this coming after my boss talked to me yesterday about slightly restructuring the office. once i do know for sure that i'm pregnant, whenever that may be, i don't know what other 'restructuring' he's going to do when both of us are pregnant knowing we'll be on maternity leave at the same time.... i just hope i can keep my job with the same hours until i can do otherwise.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Baby Shower
(cycle 2, day 25)
Sunday was my sister-in-laws (SIL) baby shower. I'm so excited for our neice to be born so I can cuddle a newborn baby :) We played a few games, my favourite being the chocolate bar diapers. I wasn't allowed to play since I put them all together. It was hilarious watching everyones reactions as they examined each diaper. Best. Game. Ever. We snacked all afternoon and watched her open her gifts. She got a lot of pink and a lot of cool stuff. I'm not quite done the blanket I was making her, but at least I still have a couple months to do that. I should be done in a couple weeks.
As for me and my possible pregnancy, I don't know what to think :s I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant, but there's always the possibility that I'm not since we again, haven't really been putting in an honest effort. AF is due next Wednesday and I have a feeling she's not showing up this month... Since last Tuesday (CD 18) I've been pretty crampy. If that was meant to tell me AF was coming, I think it was a lot too early. Since Thursday (CD 20) I've been hungry almost all the time and having to go to the bathroom about every hour where normally I can go 4-6 hours between bathroom breaks. My back has started hurting for the last 3 days, I've had a few cravings that aren't like me, and I'm tired as hell. I've vowed to myself that I'm not testing until Sunday (CD 30) but its gonna drive me nuts until then if it even shows up. I loathe the 2ww.
Sunday was my sister-in-laws (SIL) baby shower. I'm so excited for our neice to be born so I can cuddle a newborn baby :) We played a few games, my favourite being the chocolate bar diapers. I wasn't allowed to play since I put them all together. It was hilarious watching everyones reactions as they examined each diaper. Best. Game. Ever. We snacked all afternoon and watched her open her gifts. She got a lot of pink and a lot of cool stuff. I'm not quite done the blanket I was making her, but at least I still have a couple months to do that. I should be done in a couple weeks.
As for me and my possible pregnancy, I don't know what to think :s I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant, but there's always the possibility that I'm not since we again, haven't really been putting in an honest effort. AF is due next Wednesday and I have a feeling she's not showing up this month... Since last Tuesday (CD 18) I've been pretty crampy. If that was meant to tell me AF was coming, I think it was a lot too early. Since Thursday (CD 20) I've been hungry almost all the time and having to go to the bathroom about every hour where normally I can go 4-6 hours between bathroom breaks. My back has started hurting for the last 3 days, I've had a few cravings that aren't like me, and I'm tired as hell. I've vowed to myself that I'm not testing until Sunday (CD 30) but its gonna drive me nuts until then if it even shows up. I loathe the 2ww.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
(cycle 2, day 18)
The long wait to use the new appliances is finally over! Sean got the freezer, washer and dryer set up in the basement. I can finally do laundry in my own appliances, in my own house, on my own time. It's been a long 6 weeks without going somewhere else to do laundry. The room is nearly finished, just trim work and some shelves to build, but nothing that will stop us from using it or moving everything back into that room so we can work on the rec room to get the new tv up and running :) I commemorated the day by doing a load of laundry, lol. Tonight, I'm going to do the rest of the laundry I've been falling behind on, only about 5-6 loads of it. Ha!
On a side note: I hope I get pregnant this cycle. We aren't trying very hard still, but I'm pretty sure we BD'd around the right time that it could actually happen this month. Going with my last cycle, I should have ovulated yesterday (CD 17) or sometime in the 4 days before or after.... We BD'd on CD 13 and 17 and hopefully once more for good measure ;) I really hope it does the trick, I don't want to be left at work for too long without my coworker when she takes her maternity leave! So for now, I basically get to experience the dreaded Two Week Wait and lookout for any signs that I might be pregnant or AF showing up.... Not fun.
On a side note: I hope I get pregnant this cycle. We aren't trying very hard still, but I'm pretty sure we BD'd around the right time that it could actually happen this month. Going with my last cycle, I should have ovulated yesterday (CD 17) or sometime in the 4 days before or after.... We BD'd on CD 13 and 17 and hopefully once more for good measure ;) I really hope it does the trick, I don't want to be left at work for too long without my coworker when she takes her maternity leave! So for now, I basically get to experience the dreaded Two Week Wait and lookout for any signs that I might be pregnant or AF showing up.... Not fun.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Basement Reno's
(cycle 2, day 13)
we're finally getting close to the end with our ongoing basement renovation!
last night we finished hanging the drywall in the furnace room. it feels like such an accomplishment since i havent been able to be much help with everything he's done up to that point. doesnt help that he's a little hot headed so the drywall could probably look a little better than it does, but hey, its done right? if it werent for me continuing working while he was at hockey, we probably wouldn't be mudding tonight :) he's also learned that i am much better at measuring and cutting out the pieces than he is so now that becomes my job instead of just holding things up for him, lol. boys! ;-) tonight while he's at fire practice, i fully intend on getting that room fully mudded. i also plan to get the last two coats of mud on tomoro so that we'll be painting on saturday! sean's convinced there will be so much sanding that we won't get to paint until sunday, i'm planning on painting on saturday. i just want my basement back, my house to remain clean, and to do laundry at home... it's getting there....
Monday, November 1, 2010
Living Vicariously
(cycle 2, day 10)
so my coworker is PREGNANT! we kind of knew she was since she had pretty well every symptom in the book. she got a BFN on wednesday, tested again on saturday and sunday and got two BFP! now i can live vicariously through her until i end up pregnant, which if im anything like her, it'll be this month, lol. she got pregnant on her 3rd cycle (4 calendar months trying) and they got engaged around the same time of year they conceived... i'm in my 2nd cycle, and the time that we got engaged was this coming weekend last year... and i'm due to be ovulating between this weekend and the middle of next week... coincedence? i'm super excited for her since i know she's been wanting one.
now i wonder how long it'll take me....
so my coworker is PREGNANT! we kind of knew she was since she had pretty well every symptom in the book. she got a BFN on wednesday, tested again on saturday and sunday and got two BFP! now i can live vicariously through her until i end up pregnant, which if im anything like her, it'll be this month, lol. she got pregnant on her 3rd cycle (4 calendar months trying) and they got engaged around the same time of year they conceived... i'm in my 2nd cycle, and the time that we got engaged was this coming weekend last year... and i'm due to be ovulating between this weekend and the middle of next week... coincedence? i'm super excited for her since i know she's been wanting one.
now i wonder how long it'll take me....
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