(3 weeks, 4 days)
I finally got my BFP! still a little hard to believe but the tests are undeniable.
i first tested with FMU and saw a faint line that definately showed up within 3 minutes and just got a bit darker the longer it set. i posted pics of that test in my FB groups and everyone else could see it too. even my DH saw it when i woke him up to show him, lol. after i got confirmation that others could see it, i ran upstairs to show my sleeping husband. i poked him in the arm and then shoved the test in his face and asked if he saw a second line too. he did!
so my next task was to hold my pee for about 4 hours to let the hormones build up again and test again with different tests. i went to our local walmart and picked up a digital pregnancy test since that was the one kind i didn't have already at home. when i got home i had to pee so bad because of the coffee DH bought me so i went upstairs and proceeded to do all my tests. first was the internet cheapies that i have been using to cut the cost and it still had a second line and this time darker. so next up was the first response test that i still had from the double pack i bought last month. that one started out a bit faint (darker than the cheapie) and only got darker so there was absolutely not squinting or screen tilting to see it. since i had those confirmed, last was the first response digital test. waiting those 3 minutes for the answer to pop up felt like an eternity, lol. although it is very reassuring seeing those words come up, "yes +".
so i'm cautiously optimistic since its still early and i haven't even missed an AF yet... but i'm pretty sure our little baby is securely stuck in there since i had massive cramping on 6/7 dpo that definately like AF cramps but obviously way too early. the only other indication i've had is that i'm perpetually hungry the last couple days. otherwise, absolutely no symptoms, nothing! not my regular sore boobs (which i was surprised about), no frequent bathroom trips.... nothing. so i'm hoping i get lucky, but i honestly don't care what i'm handed this pregnancy since i'm finally pregnant and will take what i can get because it means i have that baby growing inside of me!
EDD: September 19/2012 <3
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