Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Possible Family Reunion Trip

(cycle 4, day 4)

Last night, we got two christmas cards in the mail. Yipee, the first two of the year :D
One was from sean's aunt and uncle and they mentioned that they hoped to see us next summer at the MacLean family reunion. We would really like to go, but with our plans of starting a family, it was kind of a 'if we can, we'll go, and if I'm too pregnant we won't' thing. Well last night I think we decided to put off really trying for another month and just have fun this month but try not to make a baby so that we can go next summer. It's all the way in New Brunswick! and I would really like to meet the rest of his family and he really wants to see his family again. Especially when just about everyone will be there without having to travel around everywhere.

So this month we are going to actively try to not get pregnant and then really start trying after my next cycle. I won't be allowed on a plane at 8 months pregnant, so that is the whole reason for delaying trying. But I did start charting my BBT so that I will know my cycle better and find out if I am for sure ovulating. So far, its only been 3 days, lol.

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