Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maybe Baby?

(cycle 5, day 31)

fertility friend has no clue when i ovulated now. go figure. AF hasn't shown up yet so technically i'm late by my average cycle length. i'm just far too nervous and anxious to test even though i've wanted to for the last 2 days. if AF hasn't shown up by the time i wake up tomoro morning, i'm testing. i can't take the wait anymore, haha. the 2WW is excrutiating!

and since i'm in the 2WW, i'm trying desperately not to read too much into any possible symptoms i might be feeling. like the frequent urination (but could be because of the extra water i'm drinking), headaches (could be the weather or stress), backaches, starving by 9:30 after i eat a bowl of cereal at 7....

guess we'll find out tomoro.... this is going to be the longest 15 hours ever!

UPDATE: so this mornings test was a BFN and i spotted all morning, like nothing on a pad and only when i wipe. but its not really blood, its like blood streaked CM. so i don't know if that's AF just taking her time, but it has kinda teetered off this afternoon so maybe it was implantation bleeding??? i just read a bunch of stuff online and it could happen this late (12dpo). a lot of it said that it would occur before your luteal phase (the time between ovulation and your period) but that's if your luteal phase isn't 12 days like mine. so if that's the case, it very well could be implantation of a fetus.... gah, i hate hormones, my cycle, the internet and all it's info at my fingertips, the 2ww, spotting, uncertainty and BFN's.

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