first, there was the hand towel holder for the kitchen. i actually made 3 different sets and gave one to my mom and another to my sister as gifts.

i actually can't believe how busy i was just before christmas with my projects, haha.
we finally have a tree topper since the one i bought for my flimsy tree was too heavy so i haven't had a topper for the previous 5 christmases :-/ til i saw this gem on pinterest.
last project for the holidays was a flat iron cover for my sister since the one that came with hers wasn't insulated. this one created quite a bit more work than i anticipated since the pot holder i used was far too thick to fit in my sewing machine once it was folder over... so i had to do some project 'surgery' and take out about half the insulating material so that it would fit into the sewing machine. i'm really happy with the result and if it hadn't have been so much work, i'd make myself one, lol. maybe when i have a bit more time on my hands and see a need for one since the cover for mine is insulated already.
i took a bit of a break from these projects after the holidays to focus on my studying so that i could get the course done and then the pregnancy happened and everything that went one with that.
when i started up with projects again, i did 3 of them.
the first was a piggy bank type thing with a picture of what i want to save my money for inside of a shadow box with a hole at the top to drop money in. can't wait to buy a new zoom lense for the camera!
i also made a padded strap cover for the camera. it really makes the camera feel like its personalized for me since i picked out the fabric.
i have at least two other projects i've done but i don't actually have pictures of them so when i do eventually get pics of them, i'll make a new post : )
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