Monday, April 23, 2012

almost at the point of no return!

this is what our house looked like when we first bought it in august of 2009... remove the cedar trees from this though since we took those down that first summer, lol. i never realized how green our front lawn was til looking at this now... anyway, imagine this house, with taller windows upstairs and down, grey siding, stone along the bottom, white trim and the left-hand side extending out 17 feet. that is our plan for this summer. to build an attached garage with a master suite upstairs. we're basically doubling the size of our house! we'll have a great oversized one-car garage (couldn't quite get a 2-car, but oversized one is great, we'll have room for storage and tools) downstairs, and a new master suite complete with bigger walk-in-closet and our own bathroom. we're also doing some changes to the back half of the upstairs, but it's nothing compared to the actual addition part.

today, i applied for the development and building permits. not really any turning back now!

and cue the anxiety attacks that i'm sure i will be experiencing through most of this til its done, lol.

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