(cycle 25, day 15)
well today might be O day, or tomoro, depends on what today's OPK tells me since i got my positive smiley face yesterday... so that's 2 cycles now that are within a day or two of eachother which rarely ever happened before low dose aspirin. my last cycle of our break was also a short one, so techinically that's 3 shorter cycles, but only 2 on the aspirin. that's never happened before. i'd get shorter and shorter and as soon as i got to Oing on cd14, i'd go back to having longer cycles and then progressively get shorter. i'm so glad its evened out :) no more agonizing waiting to O and getting frustrated worrying about dh getting worn out from having to BD EOD for possibly over a week. it also gets me into another cycle quickly instead of waiting nearly 3 weeks just to O...
i'm still waiting on my OPKs and preseed, was kinda hoping both would have come in the mail last week so i didn't have to use up the last of my digi OPKs this cycle and could use them for one more cycle by waiting til the cheapies started getting darker then use the digis. ah well, since i didn't O yesterday, there's still a chance for the preseed to arrive and be able to get at least some use out of it this cycle if we get super lucky and conceive. if we are that lucky, i'm okay with putting out that money because i'm hoping it jinxed me and i won't need any of it :P
i'm really hoping this cycle is it because the due date would work out perfectly with when my dad is planning on coming out here for my newly engaged sister's wedding... baby would be about a month old and he would get to meet the LO (little one) without a chance of missing it if we need to try another few months... we'd also be able to go back out to my aunt and uncles cabin in saskatchewan again because baby would be just old enough that i would feel comfortable leaving home for a few days/week. otherwise, we'd have to skip out on the cabin if we managed to get pregnant in the following 2-3 months after this cycle because i'd either be right at my due date, or very heavily pregannt and not want to be 5 hours away from home just in case, lol. *fingerscrossedsotightly*
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