Friday, January 31, 2014
I feel like I'm thinking about it all damn day. like I can't escape my thoughts and anger towards the situation. I can kind of feel myself sinking back into the depression I had in the first half of 2012 following our first loss. I'm spending a good portion of the day on the verge of tears and then a portion of that time with tears in my eyes. let's not even get started on my anger right now. just about every little thing sets it off in the last 2 days. I have major road rage that's way worse than normal not to mention the little things that set me into a fit of anger that DH does unintentionally. i'm either ready to rip someone's head off or ready to swim in a pool of tears. this isn't good and I don't think DH has any clue about the turmoil I've got going on in my head :'( actually no one does other than a very small handful of close online friends that I have. and I guess anyone that reads this blog...
what's not helping my emotional state? women who got pregnant at the same time as my first pregnancy are all going to be giving birth in the coming year and i'm still no where near getting pregnant, nevermind making it safely out of the first trimester... i'm being lapped. I should be starting to think about when we should be ttc #2 since #1 should be around 18 months old now. instead i'm terrified i'll never actually get to experience more than what the first trimester brings along with the heartache that MC brings.
I feel like i'm going to be turning 30 in 2 short years and we'll still be in this limbo and i'll be wanting to give up having a family because I don't think I can take much more than another year of TTC without results. I've had just about enough of it at this point that I've often considered giving up and just living a life of just us. even if we do get lucky enough to ever have a child, i'm now even considering being a one child family after dreaming for long about having 2 kids, possibly 3. but this TTC shit has put a major damper on my positive outlook on most things. i'm usually pretty good about keeping a positive attitude, but with TTC I lost that a long time ago. its the one area in my life that I don't look at with happy thoughts, which is what it should be. I should be full of hopes and dreams and happiness at the prospect. but i'm definitely not that anymore.
I just want this shitty rollercoaster to be over. wake me up when this nightmare is over :'(
Thursday, January 23, 2014
no more wondering
AF finally showed up after what seemed like forever. obviously that's not what I wanted to happen, but I did some research and it looks like there are other reasons that make sense for why my LP was getting so long. I think I may have had a corpus luteum cyst. they can spontaneously happen at any time in an adult woman's life with no rhyme or reason. it happens when the lining of the uterus doesn't shed causing AF, it instead just balls up and turns into a cyst and can delay AF and prolong the LP. its about the only thing other than pregnancy that can change a woman's LP since it doesn't change more than a day or so for a woman. and because it can prolong the LP, even if I were pregnant and had one, i'd have still gotten a BFP when I typically should and not delay that as well. so I have a strong feeling that is what happened this cycle. hopefully its the last one I ever have. the only good thing to come out of it? that as long as my next cycles are of typical length for me, I won't have to worry about being on the bubble of whether or not I can fly for my BFs wedding in October.
other thoughts over the last couple days:
this isn't the way its supposed to be :'(
I've been having a rough time the last day or so because of everything that's going on lately. AF being late (but showed up today), work sucking more and more each day, the day we lost our first angel baby is coming up in a week, our due date for our second angel baby is in a month... its just getting to be too much. we shouldn't even be at this point.
yesterday was a shitty day at work. between one printer working against me, my boss not really doing things properly for clients and causing issues, the bosses son doing subpar work cuz he's not properly trained and I have to fix it (which would've been faster for me to do it from the start the amount of time its taking me to fix it). I've been biding my time here because my plan has always been to wait til I go on mat leave and then just go into a new job when that's done and say good riddance to this place. the reason I wanted to do it that way, was so that I had at least a year into a new job before taking another mat leave for a second baby because if I switch now, its possible I won't have that year and that means my job wouldn't be guaranteed to me when i'm done. I can still take mat leave, but they don't have to keep my job for me. I shouldn't even still be here :'( I should've been able to leave a year and a half ago, but that baby didn't make it so i'm still here. I should've been gone now and have just started my mat leave, but that baby also didn't make it so i'm still here. it never ends.
I also shouldn't be having to take a TTC break so I can make it back to Ontario for my best friends wedding. I should already have a baby in tow and not have to worry about not being able to fly and if we do wait those 2 months so that if by some miracle I get pregnant on our first month when we can try again, I don't have to worry about going into premature labour before 32 weeks (how far along i'd be if we get pregnant when we can start trying again). none of this should even be on our radar :'(
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
still waiting...
I tested this morning with another cheapie and also with FRER to see if maybe its the tests being shitty. no such luck. neither test had any hint of a line and AF still hasn't shown up, going on cd33 here...
exasperated and frustrated don't even cover what I feel about my body right now.
Monday, January 20, 2014
waiting on AF
yep, you read that right, 16dpo and i'm still waiting on AF. haven't had any luck getting a BFP yet, all I've gotten are BFNs, the most recent one being yesterday. though sometimes I swear there's a shadow or something, but I've sworn that to myself before and then AF just shows up anyway right on time.
not this cycle. I was expecting AF on Saturday at the latest and she still hasn't shown up and its Monday! I haven't had anything to make me thing she's showing up or that i'm pregnant, but this whole AF being late is giving me too much hope. I've eaten eggs countless times over the weekend as well and they seem to be agreeing with me and that along with obvious implantation cramping that hasn't happened, I don't really think i'm pregnant, i'm feeling like maybe i'm having my first annovulatory cycle in my life.
prior to this cycle, its been a long time since my cycle has ever been this long:
-my may 22, 2012 cycle was 31 days so if AF shows up today, its been 20 months since I've had a cycle this long.
-the first cycle after the first MC was 31 days... but the delay could be due to the MC so I don't think that one really counts...
-april, may and june of 2011 were 33, 32, and 32 days long. I was temping back then and that was a VERY long time ago, within the first year of TTC so over 2.5 years ago
-my first cycle coming off BC was 33 days.
in total, that's only 7 cycles 31 days or longer out of 40-something cycles. so this is really out of the ordinary for me right now :-/
WTF body???
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
an Ontario Christmas

lazing by the woodstove |
while out snowshoeing |
my fav pic from snowshoeing |
Saturday, January 11, 2014
TTC update
(day 23, about 7 dpo)
It's been so hard to blog the last few weeks. We were away for 2 and now that we're back, I don't have internet at work so I'm having to do mobile blogging which sucks. Anyway, I'll make a post about our holidays another day, for now I'll stick to the ttc stuff.
O day is a little foggy because I didn't have the best cm to go off of and it also didn't happen when it typically would. Like I mentioned, I didn't do opks so all I have to go off of is cm and some slight crampiness. It doesn't help that O day likely happened while we were in a vehicle for 36 hours straight so 2 days feels like one long day. I made a note of when I felt O cramping on the running note I have on my phone to keep track of cycle stuff (suspended my ff account for the time being while we're off and on ttc), but after getting home and going back to work, I'm not confident about what happened when, so I might be off by a day or so.
During when I thought I was fertile, I was losing hope that we would get any BDing in, but DH surprised me and we did get one BD in this cycle. So now I'm about a week post-O and I think I felt some cramping around 4/5dpo and had a pretty good backache going on and felt AFish a good portion of the day. It probably doesn't mean anything like every other cycle that doesn't work. I'll probably test the middle of next week. While I'm hopeful, I'm also not hopeful. We'll see....