(cycle 50, day 4)
so obviously round 2 of clomid didn't work : (
AF sure took her sweet ass time last cycle. I figured I'd have a 14 day LP like the cycle before, but AF waited nearly a full 24 hours longer to get going. thankfully the cramps started before going to bed so I wasn't woken up by them (which is a horrible thing to wake up to), but she didn't fully start that night either. so I ended up with a 15 day LP, which just pushed everything for this cycle back by a day (plus the extra days it got pushed back from having the 14 day LP last cycle), so now there's a chance to TTC this cycle instead of having to take it off due to travel and not seeing each other the important days. we'll now see each other starting cd14, so even if I Od that day, if we BD, there's a chance. albeit a small chance given how the last 50 cycles have gone (all but 2 unsuccessful, and even those were unsuccessful if you consider a MC an unsuccessful cycle because it didn't result in a THB), but a chance nonetheless. so I asked DH if he'd be interested in ttc since we'll be seeing each other and to my surprise he said yes (I was kind of hoping for a break, but if it gets us a sticky BFP, then that's worth it, as much as I wanting to take a mental break from all things ttc for a month or so).
right now, I'm very thankful for DH. he's been a hell of a lot more optimistic about us having kids than I've been over the last year. a lot of the time I say "if we have kids" and he always comes back with "no, we'll have kids, don't worry". I'm glad one of us feels that way, because it sure isn't me. he's so optimistic, he even bought a stroller this weekend from a buddy on the fire dept. and here all these years I thought that he'd think I was crazy if I bought baby items if they were on a great sale! ha! to be fair, it was a crazy price, he was selling a $300+ jogging stroller for $25... and its coming from someone we know, so we know its been well taken care of. but still, we'll now have a stroller staring us in the face with no baby in sight to speak of : / I can't wait for fb friends to start asking questions if they see the post in the local buy and sell group and see DH's comment about buying it.... that's probably going to suck more than staring at it until we can use it.... sigh. but his optimism that we'll get to use it one day is still nice to see when he's been rather quiet on that front until recently.
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