(cycle 50, day 25)
we ended up not TTC this cycle. we did have sex on cd14, but it wasn't of the baby making variety. I was in no shape to BD again til I got back to alberta after holidays (hangovers and all : P ). I also didn't actually take any opks while away like I was planning to do. I could've on cd14, but was too busy most other days to even give a thought to testing. it wasn't until I was back home and finally thought to take one in the evening of cd18 just to see if I might've Od late or if it stayed negative for a few days I would know that I Od while away. well cd18 was pretty dark and then cd19 was very negative, so I can only assume that the positive was either on cd17 or earlier on cd18 and I just happened to test too late. so with that, I'm assuming I Od on cd18 or 19 and I'm about 6-7dpo and AF should be here some time in the middle of next week. BDing on cd14 would've been a stretch for getting pregnant anyway. I didn't care all that much about ttc this cycle so I'm not too upset about not having the possibility, only upset a little bit because of how long its already been. so we'll be back on the TTC train full force once again next cycle and i'll be asking about that RE referral when I go in for my yearly check up in 2 weeks so I know its not fallen to wayside. i'll post a longer update later on my trip east : )
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