(cycle 2, day 6)
I think today's post will be spent updating the San Diego Honeymoon post... There isn't really much else I care to talk about today since I'm kind of in a lazy mood, so it will have to do until tomoro :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Feel Better Challenge Pt. 2
(cycle 2, day 2)
Well I've started lagging in my feel better challenge :(
Day 4 was a marching challenge. You had to find a hill and march at a steady pace up and walk back down, only to march back up, 3 times. My problem is that there aren't really any hills in my area... So that was a bit of a write off.
We've also been working on the basement this weekend, well Sean has. Unfortunately, not much headway was made. He ran into a couple problems with the plumbing so I only just got my running water back after 36 hours without it. You never realize how important running water is in every day life until you don't have it. Every night I make supper, I rinse my hands. You can't do that without water. Not to mention the toilet. Women can't exactly not go and can't not use toilet paper everytime unless you drip dry, but that is a lot harder to do with AF is in town.... Kind of the worst time for no water when other people are around and need the washroom. Thank god we have two toilets and Sean was super understanding about it. He stayed up super late to try and get it working since he was having issues with one joint because the shut off valve was leaking. Water + saulder = no good. He ended up replacing the copper he going to do with pex just to make it easier and no leaks. Man I love my husband. I just hope we don't run into any more problems with the basement and the rest is relatively smooth sailing. I've getting to the point where I'm sick and tired of dealing with the mess that renovations cause. There's always dirt on the floors, my living room has turned into a storage room for a few things that can't fit in the already full basement, my kitchen is always full of garbage and dirty dishes. I never feel like I'm getting anywhere with anything I do because the second I turn around, there's more mess. I'm done and ready to go back to normal life, whatever that is.
On a last note, I'm obviously not pregnant. Not that I was really expecting to be since we didn't put in an honest effort this month and I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate since I didn't see any of the signs. And it's nice to know I didn't have to wait another month for AF. Let's just hope she's regular every month ;) I won't deny that I would be excited if I got pregnant this cycle even though we didn't really want to conceive until the new year, we're just getting a head start <3
Well I've started lagging in my feel better challenge :(
Day 4 was a marching challenge. You had to find a hill and march at a steady pace up and walk back down, only to march back up, 3 times. My problem is that there aren't really any hills in my area... So that was a bit of a write off.
Day 5 was going to be much easier, but I just never put aside time to do it. 10-20-30: 10 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks, 30 seconds raising your feet 12" off the ground while laying on your back and criss-crossing your feet back and forth, then resting for 60 seconds and repeating 3 times. Sounds super easy, I have yet to try it :s
Day 6 you have to hold an excersice ball or fluffy pillow in front of you while squating to a sitting position and doing 10 reps. Then you raise your hands above your head and do that same thing, repeating both 3 times.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Feel Better Challenge
(cycle 1, day 32)
On Tuesday, I got an email from Sport Chek with a 'Feel Better Challenge' that lasts 10 days. I figured, why not? I've been trying to lose some weight recently after my month long binge on candy (I have a massively bad sweet tooth. Thank you dad and grandpa!) and 6lbs heavier.... I've been doing the challenges, but also modifying them to fit into my schedule. I haven't noticed any differences yet, but I've also started drinking more water again, so it could be water weight and soon I'll start loosing the weight ;)
Day 1 was to dance for 30 mins until I've worked up a sweat. Well since I was at my moms doing a load of laundry (we no longer have a useable washer or dryer until the furnace room is done) so I used the treadmill for the 30 mins.
Day 2 had you walking forward for 10 houses, then backward for 10 houses. I took HayHay to the dog park and walked a bit alternating the direction every 30-60 seconds. That's actually a really good workout! Except for the fact that my feet and legs got a bit sore after what would be 60 houses in town, I just decided to walk forward for the rest of our walk.
Day 3 (today) is to jump up the stairs. Seems easy enough. And I can even squeeze it in between 'The Office' and 'Private Practice', lol. All I have to do, is jump up a flight of stairs (they recommend 20, but I only have 14 in a row), walk back down and repeat 4 times. So since I have fewer stairs, I'll just do it 6 times to make up for it.
I'll keep updating with all the different activites :)
Onto another topic, pregnancy... This is going to be kind of TMI, so fair warning....
Today, I thought I was going to start my period since there was a bit of bright red blood when I wiped. Well I put on a pad just incase it was in fact starting today, but nothing has happened since then. Implantation blood maybe??? It seems to be in the right time frame of when I would get it if I did ovulate and in conjunction of when we BD'd (baby danced) to fertilize an egg if there was one.... Now I just don't know what to think, lol. I don't have any other symptoms, except this morning I find I have to pee more, but that could be from the water I'm drinking every day, but it is more than the last few days that I have been drinking water. I don't have the back pain that I usually get when AF is coming, I usually get that at least an hour before I start. And I have been napping more lately... But for now, until I know for sure that it's AF, I'm going to keep counting as though I'm still on the first cycle.
On Tuesday, I got an email from Sport Chek with a 'Feel Better Challenge' that lasts 10 days. I figured, why not? I've been trying to lose some weight recently after my month long binge on candy (I have a massively bad sweet tooth. Thank you dad and grandpa!) and 6lbs heavier.... I've been doing the challenges, but also modifying them to fit into my schedule. I haven't noticed any differences yet, but I've also started drinking more water again, so it could be water weight and soon I'll start loosing the weight ;)
Day 1 was to dance for 30 mins until I've worked up a sweat. Well since I was at my moms doing a load of laundry (we no longer have a useable washer or dryer until the furnace room is done) so I used the treadmill for the 30 mins.
Day 2 had you walking forward for 10 houses, then backward for 10 houses. I took HayHay to the dog park and walked a bit alternating the direction every 30-60 seconds. That's actually a really good workout! Except for the fact that my feet and legs got a bit sore after what would be 60 houses in town, I just decided to walk forward for the rest of our walk.
Day 3 (today) is to jump up the stairs. Seems easy enough. And I can even squeeze it in between 'The Office' and 'Private Practice', lol. All I have to do, is jump up a flight of stairs (they recommend 20, but I only have 14 in a row), walk back down and repeat 4 times. So since I have fewer stairs, I'll just do it 6 times to make up for it.
I'll keep updating with all the different activites :)
Onto another topic, pregnancy... This is going to be kind of TMI, so fair warning....
Today, I thought I was going to start my period since there was a bit of bright red blood when I wiped. Well I put on a pad just incase it was in fact starting today, but nothing has happened since then. Implantation blood maybe??? It seems to be in the right time frame of when I would get it if I did ovulate and in conjunction of when we BD'd (baby danced) to fertilize an egg if there was one.... Now I just don't know what to think, lol. I don't have any other symptoms, except this morning I find I have to pee more, but that could be from the water I'm drinking every day, but it is more than the last few days that I have been drinking water. I don't have the back pain that I usually get when AF is coming, I usually get that at least an hour before I start. And I have been napping more lately... But for now, until I know for sure that it's AF, I'm going to keep counting as though I'm still on the first cycle.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
How Likely is a 28-day Cycle?
(cycle 1, day 27)
I'm still on the fence on when I should take the first pregnancy test after the 28-day mark of my first cycle. i know it can take a bit before I get the first one after going off BC but if I've already concieved, I'd like to know sooner rather than later.... I'm excited to find out if I am or not, but I don't want to start driving myself crazy for the next 4 weeks incase the first one doesn't come until after 8 weeks, not to mention, tests can get expensive! so until I know for sure by AF visiting me, I don't know when I want to start testing. I'm just a bit anxious to how this is all going to play out I guess.
I'm still on the fence on when I should take the first pregnancy test after the 28-day mark of my first cycle. i know it can take a bit before I get the first one after going off BC but if I've already concieved, I'd like to know sooner rather than later.... I'm excited to find out if I am or not, but I don't want to start driving myself crazy for the next 4 weeks incase the first one doesn't come until after 8 weeks, not to mention, tests can get expensive! so until I know for sure by AF visiting me, I don't know when I want to start testing. I'm just a bit anxious to how this is all going to play out I guess.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Thanksgiving :)
(cycle 1, day 23)
The weekend was as busy as I thought it was going to be. Friday wasn't so bad, but the other 3 days were.
Did my half-day of work. Picked up my cousin to spend part of the afternoon with since she was off school. Brought HayHay to the vet to get her rabies booster shot. Vet said she was healthier than a horse, of course he didn't say it like that. She's now 11.3kg. I hope she doesn't gain anymore weight, she's getting a little heavy to carry around, lol.
Got up a little early so I could squeeze in a Wii workout (I've unfortunately gained about 6lb since the honeymoon :( ). We went to the city for Sean to look for some things to install a sound system in someones car, we stopped at Home Depot to pick up some stuff for the basement reno then we went to Chapters to pick up 'Dirty Minds' and 'What to Expect When Expecting'. He asked if there was a book for before pregnancy, but I didn't want to buy that one incase it does happen right away then that book would be slightly useless. Plus, WTEWE has a whole section on pre-pregnancy things I can be doing, so it's kind of 2-for-1 deal.
We then went to my grandparents for their Thanksgiving. We played a little beanbag toss for a bit before supper was ready. My aunt is already trying to tell me what's good and bad to do during pregnancy and I'm not yet and if I am, it's still too early to test anyway. Of course I know drinking is bad when you're pregnant and if I was, I would turn it down. The chance that I am is so small that I'm not really thinking about it for at least another week, if not another 3.
Supper was .... good. Unfortunately the turkey was a little dry, my aunts brocolli casserole was burnt and no one made potatoes. Sean kindly volunteered to make sure there was potatoes and a pumpkin pie for next year. I hope he knows that I'm not helping, lol. After supper was dessert and my delicious buttertarts that I had made from scratch the weekend before were a hit! They always are.
Got the rest of the house cleaned before getting my turkey in the oven. just had to do the vacuuming and put away a few things. I started prepping the turkey around 1pm and got it all ready to go in oven for 1:30. Easy peasy japaneazy ;)
The boys were busy building a potatoe gun while we were waiting for his sister to get here. Boys and their toys, lol. When my sister got to the house I took her to get my last two photo's I needed for the frames I had at home for some wedding pictures. I still need to print off the rest, but these ones were just the ones going on that wall and I wanted to have them up for when we had ppl over.
The turkey was ready just on time and very tasty. I sure do know how to cook a mean turkey. And we even had a few left over buttertarts. Boy was it hard for me to not eat them all earlier in the day.
After supper we played two rounds of 'Dirty Minds' and then switched to 'Apple to Apples', one of our go to games when we're all together. It was a good time and I love seeing that growing baby belly on my sister in law <3
The last day of the weekend. I wish I could've slept til noon, but if I did that, I wouldn't have been able to sleep lastnight. I got an early start on groceries since I needed to pick up some vegetables for my homemade soup that I make with the leftover turkey. I love doing all these housewife-y things like buttertarts from scratch and homemade soup. I don't know why. They can be quite time consuming, but I still love it. Other than making my soup, that was the end to my busy weekend.
Bring on the next weekend when I can sleep in, lol.
The weekend was as busy as I thought it was going to be. Friday wasn't so bad, but the other 3 days were.
Did my half-day of work. Picked up my cousin to spend part of the afternoon with since she was off school. Brought HayHay to the vet to get her rabies booster shot. Vet said she was healthier than a horse, of course he didn't say it like that. She's now 11.3kg. I hope she doesn't gain anymore weight, she's getting a little heavy to carry around, lol.
Got up a little early so I could squeeze in a Wii workout (I've unfortunately gained about 6lb since the honeymoon :( ). We went to the city for Sean to look for some things to install a sound system in someones car, we stopped at Home Depot to pick up some stuff for the basement reno then we went to Chapters to pick up 'Dirty Minds' and 'What to Expect When Expecting'. He asked if there was a book for before pregnancy, but I didn't want to buy that one incase it does happen right away then that book would be slightly useless. Plus, WTEWE has a whole section on pre-pregnancy things I can be doing, so it's kind of 2-for-1 deal.
We then went to my grandparents for their Thanksgiving. We played a little beanbag toss for a bit before supper was ready. My aunt is already trying to tell me what's good and bad to do during pregnancy and I'm not yet and if I am, it's still too early to test anyway. Of course I know drinking is bad when you're pregnant and if I was, I would turn it down. The chance that I am is so small that I'm not really thinking about it for at least another week, if not another 3.
Supper was .... good. Unfortunately the turkey was a little dry, my aunts brocolli casserole was burnt and no one made potatoes. Sean kindly volunteered to make sure there was potatoes and a pumpkin pie for next year. I hope he knows that I'm not helping, lol. After supper was dessert and my delicious buttertarts that I had made from scratch the weekend before were a hit! They always are.
Got the rest of the house cleaned before getting my turkey in the oven. just had to do the vacuuming and put away a few things. I started prepping the turkey around 1pm and got it all ready to go in oven for 1:30. Easy peasy japaneazy ;)
The boys were busy building a potatoe gun while we were waiting for his sister to get here. Boys and their toys, lol. When my sister got to the house I took her to get my last two photo's I needed for the frames I had at home for some wedding pictures. I still need to print off the rest, but these ones were just the ones going on that wall and I wanted to have them up for when we had ppl over.
The turkey was ready just on time and very tasty. I sure do know how to cook a mean turkey. And we even had a few left over buttertarts. Boy was it hard for me to not eat them all earlier in the day.
After supper we played two rounds of 'Dirty Minds' and then switched to 'Apple to Apples', one of our go to games when we're all together. It was a good time and I love seeing that growing baby belly on my sister in law <3
The last day of the weekend. I wish I could've slept til noon, but if I did that, I wouldn't have been able to sleep lastnight. I got an early start on groceries since I needed to pick up some vegetables for my homemade soup that I make with the leftover turkey. I love doing all these housewife-y things like buttertarts from scratch and homemade soup. I don't know why. They can be quite time consuming, but I still love it. Other than making my soup, that was the end to my busy weekend.
Bring on the next weekend when I can sleep in, lol.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Fall Cold
well i think i've caught my fall cold, blah! i usually catch either the fall or spring cold every year and it varies how bad it gets. sometimes its just a stuffy nose, sometimes it completely wipes me out and i'm exhausted for a few days. so far, i have the stuffed nose, scratchy throat and sneezes, and just in time for thanksgiving.... double BLAH!!! i sure hope that those symptoms are as bad as it gets and it's gone by saturday :{
speaking of saturday.... i get to pick up 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'. Yay! not that i'm pregnant yet, it just has a section on preconception that would be useful for now and then i don't have to buy another book when i do get pregnant. of course i'll have to hide it over thanksgiving so that my family doesnt see it then ask me everytime i see them if i am yet. only my sister and his sister know that i'm off the pill already, and we're keeping it that way :) speaking of that process, i really have to get to taking my prenatals on time. i always forget to take them when i have supper and then i remember when i'm almost ready for bed....
speaking of saturday.... i get to pick up 'What To Expect When You're Expecting'. Yay! not that i'm pregnant yet, it just has a section on preconception that would be useful for now and then i don't have to buy another book when i do get pregnant. of course i'll have to hide it over thanksgiving so that my family doesnt see it then ask me everytime i see them if i am yet. only my sister and his sister know that i'm off the pill already, and we're keeping it that way :) speaking of that process, i really have to get to taking my prenatals on time. i always forget to take them when i have supper and then i remember when i'm almost ready for bed....
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Babies & Spiders
(cycle 1, day 16)
Now for the spider part... I noticed last week that a spider had been hanging out (no pun intended, seriously) in our kitchen window. I've been lazy lately and didn't bother taking the vacuum out to suck it up, not to mention the fact that I'm slightly scared of even just little spiders let alone bigger ones, so I'm worried that even if I do vacuum it up, it'll find its way out of the vacuum and I'll be at square one again. Crazy, I know. So I asked DH (dear husband) to kill it before it moved never to be seen again until I'm least suspecting and it scares the crap outta me (not litterally ;) ).
So this morning I'm getting the coffee maker going and I look up and notice it's GONE. At first I panic and look around to see if I can see it anywhere else. No such luck. Then I remember that I asked DH to kill it so I start hoping that is why it's not there anymore. So I go upstairs, all the while freaking out incase he didn't remember to kill it, to ask him if he infact actually remembered to get rid of it. He first looks at me as though he did, then his face changes to give me the impression that he's not sure if he did or not. He forgot :( So now I have a spider on the loose somewhere in my house.... Not what I want to be worrying about finding everytime I open a cupboard door....
So I went to my doctor yesterday to get my iron levels checked and find out what prenatal vitamins I should be taking. Not an overly exciting appointment since it wasn't really anything new that I didn't know already. Once I get my iron checked at the lab, she'll call me and let me know if there is anything else I should be taking for prenatals. Kind of exciting to be thinking that anytime now I could be carrying a baby inside me :)
Yesterday, we also got to see a video of our neice kicking in my SIL's tummy :) Cutest thing ever! I didn't know they moved so much at only 23 weeks that others can see it too. I think my husband thought it was pretty cool since he knows next to nothing about babies, just how to make them ;) haha. He also asked me yesterday if I felt pregnant yet, lol. I told him I wouldn't know anything for at least another 2 weeks anyway, but found it cute that he asked <3 I told myself when I took my last BC pill that I wasn't going to test until it's been 8 weeks since my last period (tmi, I know). I know that it can sometimes take a while to get a regular period so I wasn't going to start worrying prematurely. The only reason I would test earlier than the 2 month mark would be if I started getting a lot of pregnancy symptoms, so we'll see...
Now for the spider part... I noticed last week that a spider had been hanging out (no pun intended, seriously) in our kitchen window. I've been lazy lately and didn't bother taking the vacuum out to suck it up, not to mention the fact that I'm slightly scared of even just little spiders let alone bigger ones, so I'm worried that even if I do vacuum it up, it'll find its way out of the vacuum and I'll be at square one again. Crazy, I know. So I asked DH (dear husband) to kill it before it moved never to be seen again until I'm least suspecting and it scares the crap outta me (not litterally ;) ).
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Busy Weekend
(day 14)
Saturday, Sean got a late start, but he did go and buy all the 2x4's and a few other things we needed for the basement to get a start on it. We also got a few things cleaned up like the bottles and the dinning table so that there isn't as much to clean next weekend when we have our Thanksgiving here with Sean's sister. I got the yards raked (which I'm kind of paying for today, lol), Sean mowed them and fertilized the lawn for the winter. By supper time, we were done for the day. I bbq'd the potatoes and porkchops and he made fried onions (something we loved down in San Diego). I missed when we used to make supper together and I'm so glad I've got him helping out in the kitchen again :P
Today, Sean got an earlier start on the day. My job for the day was to get the buttertarts made for next weekend. I love my kitchen. It's the first time I've made them in this kitchen since moving in last year. I love the counter space and I can spread out without having to move everything out of my way and put anything away. I love it! Sean got one wall done so far, which to me, that's progress and means something's getting done. It may not seem like much to others, but to us, it's a start. Once all the walls are up and the plumbing and electrical is cleaned up and done, it won't take much longer to do the rest of it. I can finally start to see the finish line. I think it just took a bit to get it started.
Well today marks the day that I should be ovulating (give or take a couple days) if I have a 28 day cycle. I doubt I'll be concieving a child this cycle... We aren't trying very hard and I have no idea when or if I'll be ovulating since coming off birth control.
So this weekend has been fairly busy. I've been trying to be as lazy as I can be since weekends aren't nearly as long as I would like them to be.
Friday, my family had supper at my grandparents' for my aunt's and cousin's birthdays. We decided when the family would be doing Thanksgiving as well as when we're going to the dinner theatre. My grandparent's decided to pay for everyone to go to the dinner theatre as their Christmas gift to everyone instead of shopping for everybody. Awesome! A nice night out and only having to pay for drinks :)
Saturday, Sean got a late start, but he did go and buy all the 2x4's and a few other things we needed for the basement to get a start on it. We also got a few things cleaned up like the bottles and the dinning table so that there isn't as much to clean next weekend when we have our Thanksgiving here with Sean's sister. I got the yards raked (which I'm kind of paying for today, lol), Sean mowed them and fertilized the lawn for the winter. By supper time, we were done for the day. I bbq'd the potatoes and porkchops and he made fried onions (something we loved down in San Diego). I missed when we used to make supper together and I'm so glad I've got him helping out in the kitchen again :P
Last on the agenda for the weekend is to do this weeks groceries and watch Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. Then we get to start the week all over again... Ugh. At least next weekend is a long weekend!
San Diego :)
yesterday, my husband comes downstairs after changing from work with a huge smile on his face and told me to smell his t-shirt... he was so happy that his shirt still smelled of San Diego from when we were on our honeymoon <3
and since i'm on the subject of san diego, i guess i'll tell the story of our honeymoon:
Day 1
we got up super early on september 4th to catch our 6:30am flight. nothing exciting happened, nothing out of the ordinary. just a slightly crabby husband from his lack of nicotine, lol. did i mention it was also his first time on a commercial flight?
we got into san diego around 12 and just sat in front of the airport for about 20 minutes trying to decide which taxi to take to our hotel. we weren't in any kind of rush since we didn't have a whole lot planned, just the zoo on one of the days we were there. we were able to check in early at the hotel, we just didn't get a king sized bed. not a big deal at all. the first thing we did was go for a walk, which we quickly realized there really wasn't much in the area so we promptly hit the pool, lol. what else were we to do when the weather was so nice? after our swim, we had a late lunch at the hotel restaurant. their fries were to die for! the seasonings they use were so tasty. i still have yet to try it out at home, but i'm worried they won't live up to my expectations, lol.once getting back to our room, we got ready for an excursion to explore san diego. we started walking, not really knowing where we're going or how far, but trying to get to the bridge to coronado. we saw it on our way to the hotel from the airport and we didnt think it was really that far. boy were we wrong! we were walking along one of the busiest roads short of being a freeway with no sidewalk. we noticed a trolley that was kind of paralleling us but we didnt want to get on it without knowing where it would take us so we decided to keep going just a little further. the further we got, the worse it was to walk. there plants that had thistles that we were walking on and they were sticking to the bottom of our shoes and getting into hubby's shoes and sticking to his socks. i decided to wear flip flops and my feet were just black after that long walk. we finally got to a point where the sidewalk started again and decided to cross the road to the trolley station and figure out where we were going to go and how we were getting there.
within minutes of getting to the trolley station, a security guard asked us if we had tickets and we had to explain to him that we didn't know how to get where we're going and were just trying to figure out what to do. he helped us out and we bought our transit tickets and were on our way. we ended up taking a bit of detour when we got to the transit centre and got on the right bus, but it was headed in the wrong direction. so we got a bit of a tour of the gaslamp quarter before heading to coronado. it was a good thing we didnt walk the whole way since you aren't allowed to walk on the bridge anyway.
Orange Avenue |
we got off the bus when we got the beginning of orange avenue and decided to walk down the beach town and take in the fresh air and our surroundings. the first thing we decided to do was stop for something to eat as it was about supper time. we stopped at the burger lounge and discovered that americans are kind of weird with their cheese... cheddar cheese isnt called cheddar down there, they call it 'american cheese'. we found it slightly odd that they found a need to do that, but whatever, everyone knows its cheddar, lol. after supper we did a bit more walking and then stopped at a diner for dessert and a coffee. even after only being in california for 5 hours, we wanted to move there. it was beautiful, the weather was great and i never needed to bring a jacket or sweater incase it got cold. we did some more walking and sean found some sunglasses since he broke his last pair two months ago and he needed some in the sunshine state :) our feet started getting a little sore from all the walking we had done that day so we started heading to a bus stop right after quickly going to the beach at sunset since we were there. i could really get used to that! we waited for a bus for probably half an hour, but who really knows since neither of us were carrying cell phones and didn't have watches. we took the bus the rest of the way down coronado and got off at a trolley station to take back to the hotel. as soon as we got back to the hotel, we put on our swim suits and hit the hot tub. thank god for that. we both soothed our feet with the jets and relaxed for 20 mins before heading back to the room to relax before going to bed.
Day 2
we hoped on the bus to coronado for our second afternoon. the weather was just as nice. we did some more walking and stopped by the beach for a quick dip... IT WAS FREAKING COLD!!! i've been in the carribean seas, but this was freezing. not at all what i expected, lol. i figured since it was that far south, it would be a comfortable temperature. boy was i wrong. but i now understand why you always see surfers in wet suits on tv.... after our 'dip' (if you can call going in to our knees a dip), we went to one of the diners and had an afternoon snack.
we slowly made our way back to the hotel afterwards to enjoy a quiet evening before heading to the zoo the next day. we went for a swim, in the hotel pool that wasn't freezing, and then relaxed in the hot tub again. side note, the more i talk about the hot tub the more i kind of want to get one for our backyard, lol. we ate out at the hotel restaurant again before going back to our room and took it easy and went to bed early so we would be ready to go first thing in the moring.
i'll finish the rest of this another time....
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