So I went to my doctor yesterday to get my iron levels checked and find out what prenatal vitamins I should be taking. Not an overly exciting appointment since it wasn't really anything new that I didn't know already. Once I get my iron checked at the lab, she'll call me and let me know if there is anything else I should be taking for prenatals. Kind of exciting to be thinking that anytime now I could be carrying a baby inside me :)
Yesterday, we also got to see a video of our neice kicking in my SIL's tummy :) Cutest thing ever! I didn't know they moved so much at only 23 weeks that others can see it too. I think my husband thought it was pretty cool since he knows next to nothing about babies, just how to make them ;) haha. He also asked me yesterday if I felt pregnant yet, lol. I told him I wouldn't know anything for at least another 2 weeks anyway, but found it cute that he asked <3 I told myself when I took my last BC pill that I wasn't going to test until it's been 8 weeks since my last period (tmi, I know). I know that it can sometimes take a while to get a regular period so I wasn't going to start worrying prematurely. The only reason I would test earlier than the 2 month mark would be if I started getting a lot of pregnancy symptoms, so we'll see...
Now for the spider part... I noticed last week that a spider had been hanging out (no pun intended, seriously) in our kitchen window. I've been lazy lately and didn't bother taking the vacuum out to suck it up, not to mention the fact that I'm slightly scared of even just little spiders let alone bigger ones, so I'm worried that even if I do vacuum it up, it'll find its way out of the vacuum and I'll be at square one again. Crazy, I know. So I asked DH (dear husband) to kill it before it moved never to be seen again until I'm least suspecting and it scares the crap outta me (not litterally ;) ).
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