(cycle 2, day 2)
Well I've started lagging in my feel better challenge :(
Day 4 was a marching challenge. You had to find a hill and march at a steady pace up and walk back down, only to march back up, 3 times. My problem is that there aren't really any hills in my area... So that was a bit of a write off.
Day 5 was going to be much easier, but I just never put aside time to do it. 10-20-30: 10 push-ups, 20 jumping jacks, 30 seconds raising your feet 12" off the ground while laying on your back and criss-crossing your feet back and forth, then resting for 60 seconds and repeating 3 times. Sounds super easy, I have yet to try it :s
Day 6 you have to hold an excersice ball or fluffy pillow in front of you while squating to a sitting position and doing 10 reps. Then you raise your hands above your head and do that same thing, repeating both 3 times.

We've also been working on the basement this weekend, well Sean has. Unfortunately, not much headway was made. He ran into a couple problems with the plumbing so I only just got my running water back after 36 hours without it. You never realize how important running water is in every day life until you don't have it. Every night I make supper, I rinse my hands. You can't do that without water. Not to mention the toilet. Women can't exactly not go and can't not use toilet paper everytime unless you drip dry, but that is a lot harder to do with AF is in town.... Kind of the worst time for no water when other people are around and need the washroom. Thank god we have two toilets and Sean was super understanding about it. He stayed up super late to try and get it working since he was having issues with one joint because the shut off valve was leaking. Water + saulder = no good. He ended up replacing the copper he going to do with pex just to make it easier and no leaks. Man I love my husband. I just hope we don't run into any more problems with the basement and the rest is relatively smooth sailing. I've getting to the point where I'm sick and tired of dealing with the mess that renovations cause. There's always dirt on the floors, my living room has turned into a storage room for a few things that can't fit in the already full basement, my kitchen is always full of garbage and dirty dishes. I never feel like I'm getting anywhere with anything I do because the second I turn around, there's more mess. I'm done and ready to go back to normal life, whatever that is.

On a last note, I'm obviously not pregnant. Not that I was really expecting to be since we didn't put in an honest effort this month and I'm pretty sure I didn't ovulate since I didn't see any of the signs. And it's nice to know I didn't have to wait another month for AF. Let's just hope she's regular every month ;) I won't deny that I would be excited if I got pregnant this cycle even though we didn't really want to conceive until the new year, we're just getting a head start <3
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