Well today marks the day that I should be ovulating (give or take a couple days) if I have a 28 day cycle. I doubt I'll be concieving a child this cycle... We aren't trying very hard and I have no idea when or if I'll be ovulating since coming off birth control.
So this weekend has been fairly busy. I've been trying to be as lazy as I can be since weekends aren't nearly as long as I would like them to be.
Friday, my family had supper at my grandparents' for my aunt's and cousin's birthdays. We decided when the family would be doing Thanksgiving as well as when we're going to the dinner theatre. My grandparent's decided to pay for everyone to go to the dinner theatre as their Christmas gift to everyone instead of shopping for everybody. Awesome! A nice night out and only having to pay for drinks :)
Saturday, Sean got a late start, but he did go and buy all the 2x4's and a few other things we needed for the basement to get a start on it. We also got a few things cleaned up like the bottles and the dinning table so that there isn't as much to clean next weekend when we have our Thanksgiving here with Sean's sister. I got the yards raked (which I'm kind of paying for today, lol), Sean mowed them and fertilized the lawn for the winter. By supper time, we were done for the day. I bbq'd the potatoes and porkchops and he made fried onions (something we loved down in San Diego). I missed when we used to make supper together and I'm so glad I've got him helping out in the kitchen again :P
Last on the agenda for the weekend is to do this weeks groceries and watch Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters. Then we get to start the week all over again... Ugh. At least next weekend is a long weekend!
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