Monday, January 31, 2011

Could This Weekend Possibly Get Any Better?!?!

(cycle 5, day 16)

Seriously? This weekend has got to be one of the best weekends ever! Aside from our wedding and subsequent vacation to San Diego of course....

Saturday morning, hubby won a shitload of money on LottoMax. It's still surreal to think we're financially set for life as long as we spend it wisely and properly. It's not enough that we can quit working, but its enough to be completely debt free and our paycheques are nearly entirely ours to spend or save as we want.

On our way out for date night after
finding out we won!
That morning, he went to cash in all our bottles and we were going to use the money to go on a date night and not spend our own money. He also had to check his ticket and usually if he wins, its like $20 or a free play at the most. Well he calls home and asks me if I'm sitting down. At first I think, okay, he's going to give me bad news. What the hell is it? Did he crash the car? Is someone in the hospital clinging to life? Then he goes on to tell me how much he won... My first thought was, "you're not just telling me this to see what my reaction is before then telling me that it's a joke?". Then it started to sink in, a little, well not really, haha.

It's such a relief to know that we will have a very healthy retirement fund and can probably retire early. New vehicles and not have a monthly payment, only insurance. Be mortgage free in our 20's. Be able to take a full year of maternity leave when we have kids and go back early because we ran out of money. Take awesome vacations every year and not have to take the cheapest option (lol). Build the addition to the house a few years sooner than we had planned (which I had massive doubts that we would be able to ever afford it). Replace the windows in the house sooner. Carpet the basement. Reno the upstairs bath. Replace the fence. So much we can do now that I thought would be a far stretch for the next 10 years  : )

Baby Evelyn Rose Stone
and her proud uncle
To finish off the weekend, our neice was born this morning! When he first got home on Saturday morning afting winning big, he was on the phone with his brother-in-law and he told him to say hi to his sister and the baby which I thought meant she gave birth... Then he asked me if that's what I was excited about, not that we just won all that money, lol. I just told him I was excited to cuddle a baby. But still, exciting! We're going up tonight to see them and hold baby Evelyn  : D

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