Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year

(cycle 4, day 18)

well its 2011. lots going on this year. a few big birthdays in my family this year too. my uncle turns 40, i turn 25, my mom turns 50, sean turns 30 and one of my cousins turn 10. also up this year: my sister-in-law is due in 24 days, hopefully we get pregnant and have a baby before the year is out, celebrate our first year of marriage, and we have the big maclean family reunion in august. lots to do, lots to do!  :-D

before the end of 2010, we went to my cousins birthday on dec. 28. he turned 9. i told sean to pick up a gift on his way home from work so that we could get over there quicker when i got home. i told him $20 and he spent $50, typical, lol. but he did love the game sean picked out and i think it was the gift he was most excited about that night...

i liked this new years better than last years. last year we went to a party that one of seans coworkers had, but we barely knew anyone and didnt have any fun. this year, we spent it with his sister at their place in the city. we brought hayhay with us since we were spending the night and they're allowed pets in their building. she doesnt get along with their dog very well, but she's slowly getting better. on new years day, once we were all awake and functional, we headed out for a late breakfast and left the dogs alone at home. when we got back, we were pleased to see no accidents and no evident injuries to either dog, phew! i thought for sure they would try to tear the place apart when left alone, lol.
we headed home in the afternoon and both napped in front of the tv for a couple hours :-)  i also finally got around to taking down the christmas tree. sean didnt have enough energy to clean up the rest of the corner of the basement so we could move the computer room down there. oh well. there's other days, it'll eventually get done. it'll just be nice to have the computer downstairs instead of all the way upstairs and then we can start fixing up that room for our future baby.

on a different note, i think i'm getting the hang of charting my BBT. think. i should know tomorrow morning or a couple days from now if i am or not. i started thinking it wasnt working since my temps are all over the place ranging 0.6 degrees, but today it was up a tiny bit. i was starting to get bummed cuz i thought it wasnt working since i'm already on day 18 and haven't seen any evidence that i may have ovulated, until today. hopefully tomorrow's temp is at least the same if not higher and continues that way for the new few days. otherwise, i'm at a loss and i guess i'll be hunting for an acutal BBT thermometer... if my cycle is the same as it's been, i should have ovulated by now, or i just have a short luteal phase (now i understand what the heck that is, lol) and i ovulate later in my cycle or i'm just having a longer cycle this time. not sure which, but i may have ovulated yesterday. hopefully anyway and this temping thing isn't a waste this month. we'll see.

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