Sunday, January 9, 2011

Finally a New Jacket, lol

(cycle 4, day 23)

after 8 years, my boarding coat kicked the bucket. last weekend when i went snowboarding, the pull on the front zipper snapped off and one of the elastics on a side pockets came off. also, while at the apartment that my uncle was renovating, i got a smudge of paint on it. i must have been subconsiously trying to sabotage the coat, i've only been wanting to buy a new one the last couple years, i just never had the money to do it, lol. so today i went and bought a new one. its nothing crazy exciting but its new and pretty and not dirty, yet.

i touched on the apartment that my uncle was working on... god was that place a waste of money. sure, he's doing a good thing by renovating it after it was pretty well destroyed by a woman who never cleans and her cat that urinates everywhere, but i don't think he spent the money or time wisely. he squeezed what should be at least 2 weeks + worth of work into just 5-6 days. corners were cut everywhere and i think he'll have to fix it up a lot sooner than he would if he had done the work right. everything is painted this aweful yellow wheat kind of colour, everything, the trim, the cupboards in every. single. room.  when he laid the new floor, i think he cheaped out and bought the cheapest flooring he could just to get the job done instead of going with something that would last a long time incase the new tenants are a little lazy on the cleaning end. not only did he cheap out, but because he didnt pull the door frames off, there's gaps that he filled with black caulking, looks like crap and how slum lords would fix things... just a mess if you ask me. not what i would have done if it were my property, but its not so its not my place. but he does realize that he bit off more than he could chew with the amount of work there was.
my mom was also helping out. god does she drive me nuts. i always hate working on things with her. he way, or no way. i tried to avoid working with her the whole time. unfortunately i couldnt avoid it on the last day which was a huge mistake. i really regretted it about 1 minute in. she just has a way of irritating me, and whenever she's talking about something she doesn't approve of, she perses her lips in the most annoying way. no wonder she has wrinkles there. she also passes judgement on a lot of ppl who dont even deserve it. she claims she's not judgemental at all, but i think she's seeing herself through rose tinted glasses.
i just hope he gives us something for all the work we all did for him. if it wasnt for us, he wouldn't be done til next week or later. i'm actually kind of regretting helping and giving up my evenings relaxing at home with my husband and my puppy. just dont tell him that.

now i'm sitting watching my sunday night shows waiting for sean to get home from the icemen game... ready for a new week, maybe.

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