Friday, May 4, 2012

and the Chaos begins...

(cycle 20)

first, and update on the TTC end:
yes, another cycle has passed me by... i was a hell of a lot more emotional than i expected i would be. i spent the better part of last week having crying fits feeling sorry for myself :'( i went to my weekly WW meeting, but couldnt stay for the actual meeting because i was on the verge of tears pretty much all that day. i was a mess. this week has been a bit better, but i still have many more moments than i expected i would have being sad about everything on the TTC/MC front. may 1st was the 3 month mark from the day i had my D&C... it was a rough day realizing that. i don't know if i will ever get passed this hurt.

now to what the title refers to:
DH got some demo done this week, he tore out parts of the fence we needed to get rid of to build the addition and put up a temporary fence to keep HayHay in the yard without tying her up to a rope. the only problem now is that she barks at just about every single thing thats in the 500+ft vacinity, including kids playing in the playground across the street now :-/ at least in about 2 months time there will be a wall up so she won't be able to see anything anymore, lol.

we're just waiting for our development permit to come in so that the building permit can be applied for. hopefully its in today so that the building permit can get done so we can actually dig the hole and get concrete poured when we plan on doing it. we booked the concrete for the end of the month, so fingers crossed we get it all back in time! i do not want to start the addition off with a delay...
ETA: our development permit was ready later this afternoon and the lady said that our building permit should be ready to go by end of next week!

i've also talked to the truss company and have looked into windows. just a couple changes for the windows and then those can be ordered. the trusses and joists will be ordered once we tear off the existing stucco and get accurate measurements. still waiting on the framing package pricing to come back to a contractor acquaintance (i think its been about 4 weeks and we're still waiting...) so hopefully that doesn't start another possible delay.

otherwise, i think things are moving along properly, but we won't really know until the time comes, which is freaking me out and shoving my anxiety right up there, lol.

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