Monday, May 28, 2012

lots going on...

well, it happened, we had to take a break from TTC  :'(  i was so sure it happened and was sure i saw a hint of something on a test... but like clockwork, and a day early at that, AF showed up after wicked backache. i really hate that bitch. i can't fucking seem to get pregnant. everyone else can without much trouble or work, but i can't. it fucking sucks. so now that we're increadibly busy, i'm not even sure that we'll ever even have time to BD, let alone BD at any point while i'm freaking fertile so i could miraculously get pregnant when we aren't actively trying... that would be too easy after everything we've been through. i'm hoping my mind becomes distracted by something because making and wanting a baby are still pretty much #1 on my mind all the time, particularly when i have time to myself. this blows.
the first shovelful of many many many shovels, lol

so now, we are in full swing with the addition. its been a very busy weekend, with a lot of work, a lot of sore muscles but a big sense of accomplishment (my dh wouldn't say that, lol) that we actually got the hole dug for the foundation for the whole thing before concrete was due to show up! we thought we were going to have concrete this morning, but i guess their scheduling ended up pushing them to come tomoro. that's okay, i just hope the weather holds up with all that messy dirt everywhere.... that could really cause some greif and a lot of anger for the hubby  :-/

the windows are getting ordered tomoro, the joist and truss systems got ordered last week, concrete is this week, the hole is dug, we tentatively have a framer (though that still has to get worked out) and we have no power! lol. dh got our power turned off on friday because we were digging all weekend, but didn't get a chance to set up a temporary box and meter before the end of the work day so we've been without power since then... so i jumped ship and took the dog to sleep at my moms until our power is restored, hopefully tomoro *fingers crossed* i'd really like to be able to sleep in my own bed with my dh again... i miss him  <3  for now, our fridge is plugged into an extension cord that our neighbour has kindly let us plug into his house until we get power back, but that still means we have no heat so that's why i jumped ship, lol.

end of the weekend, its a lot of dirt, and not a lot of space to put it...

its all started to get underway. i'm excited, nervous and anxious all rolled into one!

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