Monday, December 2, 2013

the follow up

had my follow up with the gyno/specialist for the blood work we both did and US I had... everything is completely normal  >: (  was kinda hoping something was off to point us in a direction, but I guess normal is good. I asked about progesterone since that hasn't been tested at all at this point, but he said with how many pregnancies progress with lower than average progesterone numbers and some pregnancies don't with good numbers, its one of those things where if I feel more comfortable with taking it, then we can do that, but there isn't enough evidence in science to point in that direction since its more of a cautionary thing than a particular need. I just wanted to ask him about it since I know so many women who take it.

so we have a few options at this point:

A - we can go get karyotyping done (Canada's requirement is 3 MCs, but he said he could get us in) to see if we're just on the shit end of the chromosome jackpot. because going this route would require a decent amount of time off work (at least a half day, if not a full day), its a little difficult to get DH up to the city (an hour away), do the testing, then back to work. so we've decided for now, to hold off on it. if we (god forbid) have another MC or it takes us longer than the next year to conceive, we will go that route.

B - go on progesterone supplements for a preferred 3 months before a pregnancy to get the levels where they should be (he said it takes about 3 months for the supplements to take full effect). though I have my doubts about this given the way the last pregnancy played out. I don't want to mask another MC. if I wasn't taking progesterone last time, then I probably would have started bleeding sooner than 11w (a full 4 weeks after the baby had stopped growing) and not gotten as far as telling the whole family again about the pregnancy. 4 weeks is a long time to go thinking everything is fine when its not. its gave me an incredibly false sense of security getting that far and it has now taken those first 12 weeks away from any future pregnancy because i'll be full of worry until I see a second US showing a baby bigger than 7w. so while I know extra progesterone can help a pregnancy until the fetus takes over, I also know that it doesn't always make a difference, so i'm on the fence about taking it, though leaning more towards not taking it (which I had totally forgotten about feeling this way when I was talking to him. if I had remembered this, I wouldn't have bothered asking him...). the specialist is going to a seminar about progesterone in the new year, so he said if I feel I want to go that route, I can wait until that point to see if there is anything new regarding it and whether it is something that should be done or not.

C - wait it all out and cross our fingers 3rd times a charm. this would obviously be the best case scenario and the preferred route. i'm also hoping its a relatively short route and we get a BFP very soon.

in the meantime, he prescribed a higher dose of folic acid for me to take since it can't really hurt (guess I gotta get back on prenatals since i'd given up on them after the MC) and if a pregnancy happens, to call and book an apt with him asap and he wants to see me when i'm pretty well newly pregnant (so i'd have to get his receptionist to book a last minute apt since its about a month wait time to see him). right now, i'm CD12 and should O on cd14... hoping we get an early xmas gift and get a BFP.... but i'm not holding out hope given our history.

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