well FF has kind of failed me. i'm sure i O'd no later than CD17, possibly CD15 (thanks to the ladies on MH who mostly all believe it was CD15 when they've looked at my chart). due to the BBTs i've had the last two days, they've decided that i O'd on CD19 in which case there is no shot at a baby this month...
because all my temps after CD17 are above any temps i had before that, i don't believe what FF has given me. i want to say i O'd CD17 because of my CM pattern, but my temps point to CD15. if i overide FF to either of those days, they give me 'good' odds at a pregnancy this cycle, not 'great' due to lack of BDing, but at least i'm getting 'good' this month. that's only happened 1-2 times since i started charting last december (which is incredibly frustrating when all i want is for us to be parents).
so now, here i sit at either 6, 8 or 10 DPO. that gives me a testing date of either next monday, wednesday or friday depending on which O day you go with. my gut tells me i Od on CD17 so i would be 8dpo right now, but i'm also favouring what the girls in MH are saying and go with an O date of CD15 and 10dpo. i want to test on saturday along with some of the girls in the 2WW thread on MH (who are all so supportive and i'm thankful to have them to talk to since no one i personally know is going through this same thing) but i don't want to disappoint myself if its a BFN. there are 2 reasons that can happen: #1, to early to test or #2, i'm not pregnant. tests aren't cheap here so i don't want to waste them! this time, however i will buying a first response (pink dye test) instead of clear blue (blue dye test) since it looked like it would never be positvie because of the very obvious BFNs and didn't look like there was even a space for the second line to show up.
i guess i'll wait for my next two temps to decide what i'm going to do, but i think i'll be buying some tests tomoro incase i decide to do one on saturday. if they are still quite high, i think i may have a triphasic chart (a very good pregnancy sign, not definate, due to increased progestrone, the pregnancy hormone) if i O'd on CD15 like the case seems to be. we'll see.....
ovulation crosshairs on CD15, overiden from FF |
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