Tuesday, July 19, 2011

come on BFP!!!

(cycle 10, day 30)

i'm still not sure how many dpo i am. i'm either 11, 13 or 15 dpo but i'm inclined to ignore the later O date so i'm either 13 or 15 dpo. which means i either should have gotten a BFP or AF by now, neither of which have happened. maybe FF is right and i did O on cd19 so AF would be showing up on thursday, but that still doesn't seem right to anyone.

i ended up testing on saturday, but not to my surprise, it was a BFN. however AF hadn't arrived like she would on sunday if my O date was cd15. so i tested again this morning and as far as i could see, it was another BFN and still no sign of AF which would be bound to happen today if my O date happened to be cd17. sorry for all the numbers, i know it can get confusing...

i'm unusally non-irritable this month unlike other months ahead of AF and so far in the last 9 cycles, she's only completely caught me off guard and unprepared (though i always had supplies, but had to secretly obtain them and go back to the washroom right away) when showing up a handful of times. other times i either had a huge temp drop while charting or i had at least some spotting for at least a couple hours before so i knew to be ready and had supplies in place instead of only in my purse or in the cupboard. so far, nothing. i have had a couple days where i felt slightly nauseous or anything else related to pregnancy, but today, not much of that or anything else really. just a small temp drop but no where close to my coverline and still high enough to be considered triphasic if sticking with the cd15 O date. actually right now, my left mipple is sore, odd....

anyway, that's my rambling for today and i hope i have something to update in the coming days and i hope its good news and that evil wench coming to town again. man do i hate her : P

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