Monday, June 3, 2013

time vortex

(cycle 34, day 16)

we may not have put in a huge effort this cycle TTC, but we did get at least one BD in  : )  had ewcm last week and then a pos OPK yesterday and my typical O day cramping today. so today is O and I begin the 2ww tomoro. not looking forward to AF being due on father's day, but it is what it is. I just don't like when it falls on a holiday cuz it sets myself up for a bigger disappointment when it doesn't happen. crossing my fingers it doesn't, but i'm not counting my chickens before they hatch.

oh, and that time vortex? mudding the addition is taking me hours upon hours to finish, and i'm only on the bedroom! i'm really hoping that its because its the first coat and the next 2 will go much faster. the first sucks so much when doing corners because you have to put the mud in the corners and then put up your corner bead, then more mud on top of that. so its basically 2 coats in all the corners for the first one. but I've now got all the corners in the bedroom done and the straight ones wont take me long and neither will the next 2 coats. every time I go in there to work, when I come out for something I think its only been an hour and I ended up wasting about 2 or 3 in there. not wasting per say, but time passes so fast in there that I've dubbed it the time vortex  : P

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