Thursday, October 17, 2013

appointment day...

apparently in Canada (or at least according to the specialist), you need to have 3 MCs in order to be termed "recurrent pregnancy loss". while I agree with it, it still sucks having to go through any before any digging is done to look into it further. but with that said, he said that I shouldn't have to wait for another one to do at least some investigating. we can't quite jump to things like chromosome testing and HSGs without raising some eyebrows with the powers that be since they are incredibly expensive tests (and i'm guessing by his statement of this that those tests are free for me to get, its just an expensive thing for the health care to pay for without meeting the criteria of 3 MCs first) so we're doing some preliminary testing first to see if anything pops up.

he gave me requisition form for a whack load of blood tests and an US to check out my uterus.
-antithrombin III
-protein C
-protein S
-APC reistance
-lupus anticoagulant
-antiphospholipid antibodies
-PT 20210A mutation
-thyroid antibodies
majority of these are clotting disorder related and the last couple are autoimmune related

once those come back, i'll meet with him again to go over the results. at that point, he'll decide if we should pursue more testing and what course we should take. for now, DH is off the hook, but if the specialist wants chromosome testing done, we're both getting those blood tests. I have to wait til i'm 3 months post MC to get any of the tests done, but that's up Nov 6th so not that much longer and it will probably take at least that long to get the US booked. once I book a day for the US, I can call his office and book the next apt with him since the receptionist said they book about 4 weeks out.

if this cycle is successful, then we wait on testing. ideally i'd carry to term and we won't have to go through this, but if I don't then i'm guessing i'll be getting all this testing done along with the HSG and chromosome testing and whatever else comes with RPL.

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