had a convo with DH about TTC with the potential due dates conflicting with travel and I got this response: "if it happens, it happens and we'll work around it". happy day! somewhat anyway...
it means we'll be bouncing back and forth between TTC and avoiding for the next few months. I still don't have an official date from my BF for her wedding so I can't plan around it yet, but I should be good for the next 2 months. we can't TTC this month anyway cuz the due date would be mere days before MIL's wedding and i'm not sending my DH across the country when i'm either a week overdue and he runs the chance of entirely missing the birth of his baby, i'm still in the hospital after having a baby and have to get my mom to drive me home, or leave me and a brand new baby home alone for a couple days. not happening. not that I would think it would actually work this cycle, but i'm not chancing it. I dont' mind sending him alone, but with a potential due date that close to it, no. it also gives us a chance to get the first bit of testing done and if meds are needed to sustain a pregnancy, we'll know about it before one happens.
ideally i'd get pregnant next cycle. in all sorts of ways, it would be convenient. almost as convenient as it would have been if last cycle worked.
1) i won't have to see DH's cousin's new baby that is due the day before I was
2) nothing conflicting with BFs wedding
3) won't have to take a long-ass break from TTC, only this cycle
4) round of testing ordered will be done and hopefully an answer/fix
5) my yearly physical falls when I would know if i'm prego or not so I can get the appropriate meds/requisitions for anything that needs to be scheduled ahead of time (like the US)
6) first few weeks will be while away so will help pass time before first US
I know better than to be so hopeful that it will work out that way, but one can dream. at least i'll feel like i'm not wasting the next 6 months of TTC. it will all depend on when BFs wedding is and i'm hoping she'll know by xmas so that i'm not in limbo as to whether we can TTC during whichever cycles.
I have my US the gyno wanted scheduled for Nov 26 and the follow up with him on Dec 2. I have to get bloodwork done before that, so i'm going to get that done next Friday so the results are in before the follow up. its going to be a busy lead up to the holidays!
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