my cycles no longer make sense to me : ( I thought I had my body figured out, but these last 2 cycles I don't know what's what anymore and I'm getting incredibly frustrated by it. last cycle I had an unusually long cycle, the longest I've ever had but I was fairly confident about my O day because the signs lined up with my usual signs and timing. but then AF showed up 5 days later than I expected. this cycle, I was pretty sure of when I Od, but yet again, no AF... I thought she would show up Tuesday and if not then Wednesday and I would just have a 13 day LP like I've sometimes had before, I'm now 15dpo and it doesn't feel like AF is coming and there's only a tiny chance that I could be pregnant (like it would have to be from pre-ejac or be an immaculate conception cuz even though we did BD on cd14, we didn't finish with actual BDing, kwim?) but that tiny chance would even be more far fetched than me getting pregnant last time when we only BDd once the week I was fertile.
I just don't know what to make of it anymore. the good thing is that i'll be using OPKs again next cycle, but I have to actually get into that next cycle to do so. I guess I have to start using OPKs even when we're not TTC just so I'm not left wondering wtf is up when AF doesn't show up when I thought she would... that or start temping again, but I don't want to start doing that... but I might have to at this point : (
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