(cycle 47, day 11)
I finally got my apt with my doc to go over what's next as far as fertility is concerned since its been 12 cycles without a pregnancy (save for a possible chemical back in april that is unconfirmed and may have been just a false positive).
she's sending us for a few more tests that need to be done before an RE will see us:
-SA for DH
-STI testing for us both (required by the RE)
-CD3 testing for FSH, prolactin and TSH levels
-CD21/7DPO testing for progesterone levels and to find out what my blood type is since I have no clue
she's referring us to an RE but we need to get all that testing done before they will even book us an apt and they book 4-6 months in advance : ( she made it sound like we're probably headed toward getting an IUI done with the RE since we can get pregnant on our own, we just might need some help with the selection of sperm (depending on the results of the SA) or the delivery of the sperm into my uterus/tubes. the unfortunate part is that we have to wait about 1.5-2 months to get referred because of the way my cycle is falling when we go to Ontario for MIL's wedding. if I had taken the apt for july 14 with my doc and just waited til after the apt to go on holidays, I would've had it done that day because that was cd3, rats. just missed it. so that test won't be done until early September unless I don't O for another week this cycle (which isn't likely since I'm showing signs of it happening by Saturday...) or O today or tomoro (which also isn't likely since today is only cd11 and that would be extremely early for me) to allow that test to happen either the day before we leave or the day after getting back. but the way its going, i'll be cd4 or later when we get back. though it probably isn't that big a deal since DH has to find the time to get his SA done and that's probably going to be closer to when I can get that cd3 test done anyway. he has to go to the city (the lab he has to drop it off at is just over an hour away on a good day) and have it at the lab within an hour of collecting it. collection time for those tests at that lab is between 10am and 1pm, Monday to Thursday. it would just be way too easy for them to collect on Friday's since DH will have 2 Friday's off by the time I get that cd3 test done so he wouldn't have to leave work for 2.5-3 hours in the middle of the day, grr. he'll probably use his lunch for some of that time so he's not taking too much time off work, but its right at a time when we're taking holidays left and right. but it has to be done, I'm not waiting til xmas for him to do it and then not seeing the RE til next summer... if we get all the testing done by early September, we'll be at the RE early next year, when we've been ttc for 4.5 years...
so in the meantime, while waiting for that as of yet to be booked apt, we can continue TTC and hope to get pregnant on our own. she also prescribed 2 rounds of clomid for me to give us a bit of a boost and see if that's all we really need. so I'm already too far in this cycle to try it, so next cycle i'll be giving that a try. I was curious to see if she would prescribe that to me given that I O on a regular basis and clomid is typically used for women who don't O, have really irregular cycles or O really late regularly. the good thing about clomid is that you typically will release more eggs which means a higher chance of one getting fertilized and becoming a baby. the downside is there's a much higher chance of multiples, something I've always wanted to avoid : / if it happens, it happens, I'm not going to die because of it, life would just be stupidly hectic for many years and very expensive when you can't feasibly use handmedowns for the next one because the next one is the same age using the same things at the same time... thank god we plan on setting up RESPs so secondary schooling is way more affordable and that will be our contribution to their schooling.
...and now I'm getting way ahead of myself : P
I'm gearing up to O this cycle already and I'm hoping none of these tests will be necessary, but its a necessary step if doing it on our own just isn't going to work.
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