Wednesday, July 30, 2014


(cycle 47, day 19)

today might finally be O day! only 6 days behind last cycle's... and we even got some BDing in! bonus!!! so we actually have a chance this cycle and i'll be able to get all my testing within the next 2.5 weeks because i'll actually be home and not in Ontario on the days I need that testing done  : )  now I just have to get DH to the city to do his... his bloodwork isn't a problem because the lab is in town, but the SA is in the city an hour+ away depending on traffic...

but can I just say how frustrating it is to have such variation in my cycles? ugh. I don't think its ever been this bad the entire time we've been trying. maybe a random cycle here and there, but it would just go from Oing on say cd14 to 19, then slowly work its way back down instead of going right back to cd14, or vice versa. so this whole going from IDK to cd14, 14, 20, 16, 13, 19 is a bit much for me.

the irregularity has been really hard on DH because of his low sex drive. if we plan for me to O early (cd14-ish) and I don't O til cd20, he's pretty worn out by cd16 and the rest of it is pretty difficult to make happen. its hard on both of us, really. I'm hoping there's going to be a little something coming back with us from Ontario or that clomid will be our miracle. *fingers crossed*

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