Tuesday, August 2, 2011

couch to 5K / OPKs

(cycle 11, day 12)

well i'm managing to stick with my new regimen relatively well and staying on track : ) i've started the second week and it actually wasn't any harder than the very first day i started this. it was a pleasant surprise. i've also started tracking my distance on my jog tracker app on my phone (its so handy, lol) so i know about how far i'm going each day/week and i can see when i'll be getting close to actually doing 5km. this new app also has 'medals' to help keep you motivated and i think its working! they give you ones for working out 4 times in one week and another for doing that 2 weeks in a row and another for 4 weeks in a row (or something like that), also for doing workouts in the early mornings and late nights, logging 80km...

on the other half of my all consumed life right now (well other than work), i'm still waiting for the OPKs and HPTs i ordered : ( and i wanted to start using the OPKs today incase i O early (like cd15) so that i can catch the surge of LH on the tests. if i don't get them in the mail today, i'll have to cough up the extra $40 to buy them in store just so i can start them today. i guess that's okay, its not ideal, but at least i'm not totally broke so i can afford that much for them (which is totally rediculous it costs so much just for these little strips). i just hope this our month and we make a good attempt. and hopefully i O early instead of late so i'll know the fate of this cycle before we jet off to new brunswick for that family reunion.......

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