so my body may not be quite back to normal just yet. i still believe i O'd this month, its just a little unclear about when that happened. i thought it happened on cd15, but now that AF is a few days late, i'm guessing i actually O'd a bit later, which is entirely possible because my temps post FF's O day are pretty close to my pre-O temps. i did question O day a few days later, but i left it alone and was hoping to see AF early this week or a surprise BFP... neither has happened so now i'm sure that O happened later. if that is infact the case, i should be getting her by the end of the weekend. *fingers crossed*
last week i got the pathology report from my doc back... everything looked good and there's no reason to think that i would MC again. there wasn't any fetal tissue in the gestational sac so its likely that it was a blighted ovum but because it was so early, they won't say for sure. they also said that the lining that the placenta attaches to had "died". so now we continue to try again and if it happens again, i'll get sent for testing and my doc will likely put me on progestrone supplements the next time i get pregnant after a second MC. but she said that now we know that i can get pregnant, so there isn't likely anything wrong with dh's sperm and nothing wrong with my eggs. if it continues to happen its likely something other than the sperm and eggs that are causing it.
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