new brunswick was probably one of the easiest flights we've had in our travels so far. thank goodness for hamilton airport being so small and only stopping to switch passengers! hubby wasn't nearly as cranky since he had time to go out for a smoke break and come back through security, grab a coffee and board the plane. i was a little worried on the flight back, but he still made it through.
we did pretty much the same thing each day: wake up, have breakfast, wait your turn for the bathroom, figure out who's doing what, have lunch, do what was figured out, get supper going and eat, hang out in the garage until everyone had gone to bed. it wasn't too bad, but i would have rathered rented a car so we weren't house bound unless someone else brought us with them somewhere. i learned after about the 2nd day that if you get up earlier, you actually get breakfast made by one of the uncles and get coffee as opposed to having to make toast and there not be any coffee left since it was all drinken by the early risers. by the end of the week, it was wake up early, get breakfast and some coffee then go back to bed for a morning nap so i can stay awake all day and not crash by 8pm, lol. a couple afternoons were spent at a warf for swimming, visiting or whatever. its probably where we got most of the pictures that were even taken on that trip.

the first morning we were there was actually our first anniversary so DH bought me some flowers and junk food. it was nice that he still did something on our actual anniversary, but we had already celebrated it back home before leaving.
the second night we were there a running joke started by putting a "for sale sign" on random things. the first night it was his uncles trailer, and then DH put it up on his wall and his friends would bid on it and so would family that was at the reunion. it was actually quite funny and the end of the night was spent coming up with what to "sell" next. the second night it was one of his other uncles's truck that DH has done some work to so the caption had something about the wear and tear on the tuck and how its "intermittently maintained"... the last night was his uncle when for some reason he was up and walking around at 10pm which for his was unheard of and another bit of a running joke about how early he goes to bed. he was labelled "antique watchclock", ha!
other things that happened while we were there:
-i ate quite a bit of seafood and loved it! still leary on mussels, but fish, yum.
-like father, like son...
-some kids are crazy (one of his cousins kids threw a massive tantrum then passed out on the floor beside her bed she was so tired)
-i kinda miss camping as long as i have the ammenities of home ie. shower, running water....
-there's a support group for those of us married into the family
-they have a reunion about once every 5 years
-realised i looked like crap and needed to lose weight (which spurred me to join WW!)
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