Monday, April 22, 2013

one down, one to go

yep, AF showed up. exactly when I expected, like every other month before this. and I didn't even need to do any tracking to know when to expect her!

so now with one cycle done in our minimum 2 month wait, my wait is half over. one more cycle and then I can switch from somewhat preventing to NTNP.

the unfortunate part to my regular to a fault cycles, is that its going to begin messing with my summer plans  : P  if my cycle had stuck to a 28 day cycle, i'd be fine, but the last 2 have been 27 and that's going to cause me some grief and having to deal with AF when I would rather not deal with her (ie on summer vacay to my aunt and uncle's cabin...). so I think I might give up the low dose aspirin and see if that helps push back AF each month even by a day or so since when I started it is when my cycles became really regular... it might not do anything and it might backfire on me and cause me to have 26 day cycles instead (12 day LP without it), but I might as well try it while we're not actively TTC anyway. we'll see what happens.

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