Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the cost of running

you know, when I first started running, I didn't think it would be very expensive. replace the shoes every once in a while and that was pretty much it. I knew not to buy subpar shoes and went with quality, but for how much use I got out of them, I considered it a good buy.

boy was I wrong, lol.

I started off with just a cheap pair of yoga pants (not cotton) and a sport shirt. I got cheap essentials like shorts and capris as I needed them. my first big splurge (aside from the shoes) was my running jacket the first winter I was running. I needed something that could keep me outside without catching a cold from the sweat dripping down my back. so far that purchase has paid itself off for how much use I've gotten out of it already in just 2 years.

I now find myself perusing the workout gear every time I go shopping. it used to be every day clothes I would shop for and now its workout clothes, lol. its getting expensive! but I keep finding something else I need for my runs. first it was smaller clothes after losing weight (not a big deal since it was my entire wardrobe that needed to be replaced so of course the workout stuff would follow suit). next it was a couple more shirts/bras so it was the same one being worn 3-4 days a week and being washed once every other week or so (don't judge!). then it was a light jacket to cut the wind when its too warm for the cold weather jacket. now its gadgets (gps watch, sports headphones for the ipod, an armband for the ipod) and running oriented apparel (like running tights opposed to yoga pants), haha. shit's getting expensive!  : P  I also finally replaced my almost 2 year old sneakers for something with more support in the arch because the soles on the old ones wearing down and causing shin pain.

on top of all the clothes I want to buy, I've also been trying to find other races to do. they weren't lying when they say you get addicted! right now, i'm already signed up for the colour me rad in july and also looking at signing up for a mud run in September...

now if I could just work on increasing my pace and running for longer periods without walking, i'll be set... maybe... that watch would really help with that  ; )

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