Tuesday, August 27, 2013

the plan for #3

(cycle 35, day 22)

saw my doc for the follow up to the D&C...

1. no real reason other than "it just happened" for the MC. nothing abnormal about the tissues collected. i hate not having reasons for things happening.

2. getting a referral to the gyno (same one who did my D&Cs - i hate that its plural) to get testing done on me to find out if there's something curable with me that's causing us to continually MC. could be something as simple as a clotting disorder which is somewhat easily helped.

3. i'm now considered high risk while pregnant, at least in the first tri since i can't seem to get out of it successfully yet. this means i'll be closely watched, or at least as closely as they can without going as far as doing an US every single week... i'll be put on progesterone ASAP, get an US at 7w again and another US about 3-4 weeks after that one to make sure everything is still going well and hope things don't go wrong in the middle again. i appreciate the extra monitoring, but don't appreciate the label because it just makes me feel less hopeful about any pregnancy. i shouldn't need all this extra stuff. my body should be able to do what its supposed to, end of story, no history of MC.

4. because we've had unprotected sex, my doc wants me to occasionally check for pregnancy starting at 5 weeks post D&C so that if by some greater act of god i get pregnant again that quickly, we can get things rolling right away. though she would prefer i get the testing done first before getting pregnant so that we have whatever info we need to help the next pregnancy succeed, but i'm definitely not expecting it to happen like that since its never worked like that before, so i'm sure there won't be an issue. and because this is the first post MC cycle, there's no telling exactly what my cycle is doing since the norm is anywhere from a 4 to 8 week cycle... that's not to say that its impossible i'll have a completely normal cycle, i have noticed some fertile signs last week that pointed towards O having already happened, but i won't know anything til at least next week since i'm still only 3 weeks into this cycle. so now, instead of being able to just wait for AF to show up, i have to occasionally test for pregnancy because of the circumstances.

5. I guess this officially puts us in the "infertile" category. not something I realized until just now... after one year, I didn't feel "infertile" was the right word for us since we didn't put barely any effort in for the first 3-6 months. after an actual year of TTC, I got pregnant, so still not considered infertile. after the MC, because it was only one, I still didn't feel like we were actually infertile. 18 months after that MC? I still didn't feel like that title fit us since I think we only actually tried for half those cycles, so technically, it took less than a year for us to get pregnant again. but once I MCd a second time, that firmly put us in that category since it had now been 3 years + 2 MCs and have yet to make it into the second trimester.

6. i wish TTC was easier for us...  : (

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