(cycle 45, day 16)
we've done what we could this cycle, now we wait. at the end of my last post, I added that I started getting ewcm, well that continued for about 4 days! I'm starting to think though that it was aided along by the amoxicillin I was on at the beginning of my cycle when I had a pretty bad throat infection... either way, if it helped give me good cm for a cycle, i'll take it. I just hope it wasn't a one time thing and I'm actually back to normal and will continue getting fertile cm each cycle from now on and it wasn't just the amoxicillin making a difference.
I also thankfully Od at a more normal time this cycle. it might have been yesterday or today, I'm not really sure and hopefully my temp goes up tomoro otherwise, I might have to give up temping this cycle cuz there's no way that if tomoro's is still low that I didn't O for 3 days after a positive OPK... oh, I also got back my fade in pattern on my OPKs this cycle : ) after noticing the ewcm I started my OPKs on cd11 instead of cd12 just in case. on cd13 the test got a bit darker and then on cd14 it was a blazing positive all day and back to just barely negative on cd15. normally I would O the day after a positive so I figured today's temp would be up signalling that yesterday was O day. so that's why I'm hoping tomoro's temp is up otherwise I won't know what to make of my temps.
we got at least 2 BDs in this cycle. I really have to give props to DH cuz he's really been trying to do his part for the last 8 months. the first couple months after the MC we took it easy but since we've been back to really trying, he's really been trying. it definitely hasn't gone unnoticed. but that's also why I don't want to wait much longer to get help or see a BFP, I don't know much longer he can keep up the routine : / I know he would like a break from having to BD on particular days and go back to BDing whenever the mood strikes us. its been hard having to stay motivated and I so appreciate his efforts, it would just be nice to be rewarded with a BFP for those efforts for once...
well I guess we'll see how this cycle plays out. same timing as last year, same days of the week for everything, just a number day different.... if I don't get a BFP for father's day, i'll be calling the doc to schedule the appt...
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