Friday, March 7, 2014

a semblance of regularity

(cycle 42, day 15, 1 dpo)

finally! I finally know what's going on without having to question everything!

I'm relatively confident that I Od yesterday. I never got anything more than one instance of watery cm (though I may have had better all up in there, but it didn't come out, so that's all I saw) and I didn't get a blazing positive OPK, but I did get at least one positive OPK (and one that was damn close to positive on cd13, if not actually positive, its hard to tell) and had a ton of pressure in my pelvis on cd14, more ovulation pain than I used to get in previous cycles (which almost makes me worry that I hyper ovulated and could end up with multiples, but that would be crazy!). my temp went up slightly from yesterday (yesterday's being the same as two days before that, so I'm sure that temp was still pre-O and not my temp spike making me O on cd13, which has never happened) so it was higher than all previous temps.

so fingers crossed it was successful and if not, that next cycle is it and I have more cm!


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