Tuesday, March 18, 2014


(cycle 42, day 26, 12 dpo)

I knew that temp drop I had at 8dpo was too good to be true. it was an isolated temp and the rest were all around the same, but in the last 2 days, my temp has been gradually dropping like it has every cycle I have temped in the days before AF shows up. so with that, I'm expecting AF to show up tomoro or Thursday.

temping wasn't at all stressful this cycle so I think I might continue with it. at least until it does get stressful (if it does) or my body returns to its predictable ways or we start doing some sort of monitoring with a doctor because we're going ahead with more in depth ttc methods...

i'll update when AF finally shows up  :-/

at least i'll be more likely to make it to my BFs wedding barring some medical emergency and bed rest or something. that's if it even happens by then. I'm losing more hope on that each cycle... I just NEED to be pregnant before MIL's wedding because I don't think I can handle seeing DH's cousin's baby without knowing we're finally getting ours  : (  I have 5 cycles just to get a BFP, nevermind far enough along to get a couple good USs...

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