Thursday, August 7, 2014

a comparison chart

(cycle 47, day 27, 8 dpo)

remember 2 days ago when I said I wasn't hopeful and to ask in a few days if I still felt that way?

now I feel hopeful  : P  last night I started feeling something in my pelvis, but it was very minor so didn't think much of it. this morning I woke up to a crazy low temp, like below normal pre-O temps. I even temped again right after to make sure the thermometer was working properly and still got a low temp, but more like my pre-O temps. I usually have a dip around 8dpo, but its not a major one like today (0.4-0.6C), its just a small one (0.1ishC). so of course that's got me thinking implantation dip  : P  I haven't had significant cramping like before, but the day is young and there's still time for that to happen, lol.

a bit of a comparison:
Cycle 43 - possible chemical pregnancy
Cycle 47 - this cycle
I didn't mark down the possible BFP at 8dpo on the cycle 43 chart, but you can clearly see the possible implantation dip at 6dpo, which is the day I had the major cramping. up until yesterday, I thought this cycle was just another average cycle since my temps were fairly steady, until it dropped like crazy this morning. since I'm getting up at the ass crack of dawn tomoro morning, I don't think my temp will be reliable, but i'll temp anyway just to see if when its adjusted, where it lands on my chart. I also won't be temping while away for the weekend because those temps will also be unreliable with sleeping somewhere different in a different environment.

I only have one cheapie left so I don't want to waste it by testing too early and not having any to use when I get back, but with the dip, I desperately want to test Saturday morning so I know if I can drink or not at the wedding... I probably won't drink much anyway, unless we decide to cab it back to the hotel, but I also don't want to get drunk if there's a baby making a home. I did just buy a 2 pack of FRER's..... I could take one with me and still have one at home.... what's a test-aholic to do?!?!?!

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