Thursday, August 21, 2014

wishful dreams

i had a dream last night that I was pregnant, like full term pregnant. big round belly and everything  :'(  we were travelling somewhere and I was just at the cutoff for being able to fly (for whatever reason 37 weeks was the cutoff and I was like 36w6d. throughout my dream, my belly was shrinking like as if the baby was disintegrating. I just looking fluffy around the belly and not hugely pregnant anymore. it was heartbreaking, gut wrenching, everything. the one thing we want more than anything, I had it in a dream and even in the dream it got taken away from us.

and of course the other part of me is hoping this is somewhat of an omen that we'll be getting pregnant in the very near future... if we weren't ttc, I wouldn't even think anything of my dream. grr.

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