(cycle 44, day 1)
and there's AF... >:'(
FF wanted to change my O day yet again after putting in today's temp. FF has had a hard time deciphering my chart. but I pretty well knew what the outcome was when my temp tanked. I knew I didn't O on cd16 like FF thought I did a couple times, mostly because my pattern would have been a day or two ahead than my norm. I also knew AF was likely on her way when the cramps and backache started up about 2 hours ago even though for whatever reason, AF took 2 hours to show up after those started, she always only takes 30 mintues tops... but that's besides the point. once I put in that AF started today on FF, I was able to un-discard the low temp on 2dpo like I had to earlier this morning and FF isn't giving me grief. probably because they know I'd never have a 10 day LP cuz that's never happened, ever. 11, yes, but not 10 so my O day remained cd14.
onto yet another freaking cycle.
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