(cycle 44, day 23, 3 dpo)
I finally Od! and my temp so far in the 2ww is crazy high... chart weirdness is a guarantee for a BFP right? if last cycle's maybe BFP test was in fact that and I had a chemical, then I would agree that chart weirdness is guarantee for a BFP cuz that cycle had all kinds of weird going on.
I'm still having a hard time with my cycles kind of being all over the place. first I have all my usual O signs and then AF shows up late, then I have no O signs but temp confirms O happened and AF shows up on time, now I have signs of O but it happens super late. what happened to my normal, predictable, easy to interpret cycles?!?!
lets just hope a BFP happens so I don't have to wonder what will happen next cycle.... and i'll try to keep my hands off my tests until at least 11dpo this time since I always seem to test too early and then know the inevitable by 11dpo when my temp tanks. I could save a lot of wasted tests if I waited...
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