Monday, May 5, 2014

nothing like everything being pushed back a week

(cycle 44, day 21, maybe 1dpo?)

I wish I could say without a doubt that yesterday was O, but I can't. I had O pains over Saturday and sunday, but since my temp didn't go up as much as I was hoping, it makes last night's BDing more likely to catch something since it has time to work its way up there. but I hope I O today. I'm done with the "will I won't I" game. I just hope it turns into something cuz I'm gonna have a hard time knowing next cycle is almost exactly the same timing as last summer when I got pregnant, and I'd love to not have to relive those dates in the same way. though if I got pregnant next cycle and it turned out to be our THB, it would be a good way to make those times happy memories instead of ones related to a MC. but I'd still really like this cycle to work out cuz then I wouldn't be getting AF the day our new bed is scheduled to arrive and I'd really like to do some BDing that first weekend  ; )

anyway, hoping I Od yesterday or today and I can quit the games. not much longer til we're seeking help cuz I'm done with this game.

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