(cycle 44, day 18)
I thought I was done with wonky cycles, apparently not. I haven't gotten a positive OPK even though it seemed like I was headed that way early on and then it just never got darker, in fact, it even got a bit lighter. when I first started doing the OPKs this cycle, they were following my usual pattern and exactly like the last 2 cycles. then something went wrong I don't know what happened.
my temps haven't been very helpful either and I can't count on my CM (just like I haven't been able to count on it the last few months anyway) so O is a little confusing. my temp is now what I would consider post-O, but I still don't have any positive OPKs and I have to take those results out of FF just to get dotted crosshairs. I'm incredibly frustrated and DH knows that since I'm bitching about it every time he asks if I dropped an egg yet. BDing has been an issue, just like I knew it would be if I didn't O on time like I did the last two cycles. we did great last weekend, and then he got tired so Tuesday was a stretch and then because of that, I didn't push for it yesterday and just opted to wait til today to BD again.
if this is what's going to happen to every cycle from now on (no predictability or possibly annovulatory cycles) I guess i'll be heading to the doctor sooner than we were planning. if things aren't working properly, I need to fix them cuz there's no sense in waiting this out and wasting time as the 5 year mark looms closer and screams at me. I just feel like something has been wrong ever since Christmas. the last two cycles I wasn't as concerned since they were normal, but the lack of fertile CM is really starting to bother me, so is the fact that I can't get a positive OPK... the change in scenery better be all I need to get my body to fuck off with this weirdness.
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