(cycle 49, day 15)
this cycle so far is going as well as last cycle. still on the same timeline so at least the clomid is regulating things, its just too bad this is the last cycle I'm able to use it. maybe it'll kickstart my body into being regular again instead of varying by up to a week cycle to cycle.
my CM hasn't been much to go off of, but it hasn't been for about 8+ cycles now, so its nothing new. my temps have been a bit weird this cycle, its the same every two days, Monday and Tuesday it was 36.12 and Wednesday and Thursday it was 36.51. the higher temp was enough to make me wonder if I Od and just didn't get a positive opk, but then last night I got my positive. I didn't have my usual fade pattern either, it was fairly light and even got lighter on cd13, which also led to my wondering if I Od and didn't pick up on it, and then was a fraction of a shade darker than the previous tests on cd14 at lunch. knowing last cycle I Od on cd16, I tested again in the evening of cd14 (yesterday) to see if it was going to get darker and to my surprise, it was positive. today, I'm not sure if it was positive or just about positive, i'll have to look after work. so that means today or tomoro will be O day and it might be a little difficult for me to confirm exactly which day as tomoro's temp will be taken 2 hours early and I won't be temping Saturday. but i'll know it was one of two days, which is better than not knowing at all like the first 2 months after xmas. I feel like today might be it cuz I've had some weird feelings in my stomach, but i'll know for sure tomoro probably depending on the adjusted temp.
all of this might for nothing. I have an appointment with my doc on October 8th to go over our test results so we're not waiting 4-6 months when we see the RE to find out. I'm hoping there's something in our testing that can explain why its taking so long or possibly why the previous pregnancies were lost far too early. something so we aren't an unexplained case. maybe it will be something simple that she can help us with until we get to the RE, that would be the ideal situation. if its not, then that seals the deal for us that we'll take an extended break from ttc until we get to the RE since a pregnancy is unlikely on our own. tbh, I'd kind of welcome an extended break. if there isn't anything of interest in our results, then I guess we just continue ttc like we have been. *sigh*
its only been 4 years now, but who's counting?
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