Monday, January 31, 2011

Could This Weekend Possibly Get Any Better?!?!

(cycle 5, day 16)

Seriously? This weekend has got to be one of the best weekends ever! Aside from our wedding and subsequent vacation to San Diego of course....

Saturday morning, hubby won a shitload of money on LottoMax. It's still surreal to think we're financially set for life as long as we spend it wisely and properly. It's not enough that we can quit working, but its enough to be completely debt free and our paycheques are nearly entirely ours to spend or save as we want.

On our way out for date night after
finding out we won!
That morning, he went to cash in all our bottles and we were going to use the money to go on a date night and not spend our own money. He also had to check his ticket and usually if he wins, its like $20 or a free play at the most. Well he calls home and asks me if I'm sitting down. At first I think, okay, he's going to give me bad news. What the hell is it? Did he crash the car? Is someone in the hospital clinging to life? Then he goes on to tell me how much he won... My first thought was, "you're not just telling me this to see what my reaction is before then telling me that it's a joke?". Then it started to sink in, a little, well not really, haha.

It's such a relief to know that we will have a very healthy retirement fund and can probably retire early. New vehicles and not have a monthly payment, only insurance. Be mortgage free in our 20's. Be able to take a full year of maternity leave when we have kids and go back early because we ran out of money. Take awesome vacations every year and not have to take the cheapest option (lol). Build the addition to the house a few years sooner than we had planned (which I had massive doubts that we would be able to ever afford it). Replace the windows in the house sooner. Carpet the basement. Reno the upstairs bath. Replace the fence. So much we can do now that I thought would be a far stretch for the next 10 years  : )

Baby Evelyn Rose Stone
and her proud uncle
To finish off the weekend, our neice was born this morning! When he first got home on Saturday morning afting winning big, he was on the phone with his brother-in-law and he told him to say hi to his sister and the baby which I thought meant she gave birth... Then he asked me if that's what I was excited about, not that we just won all that money, lol. I just told him I was excited to cuddle a baby. But still, exciting! We're going up tonight to see them and hold baby Evelyn  : D

Thursday, January 27, 2011

She's Almost Here!

(cycle 5, day 12)

I've been waiting ever so patiently for my neice to get here. Any day now in fact. I keep hoping that my sister-in-law will text me to let me know they're at the hospital and then when they get home so we can go visit and I can get my baby cuddles in. This waiting thing is feeling like forever, I can only imagine how she feels since she's the one that's got the baby in her, lol. At least she knows there's an end since her doc will induce her by Feb 8 ;-)
Can't wait!

Though she did have a few stressful days last week that could've put her into labour... The roof of the place they were renting was starting to cave in so she had to find a place to move into before the baby gets here. What a shitty situation when you're 39 weeks pregnant :-( She almost ended up moving in with us if she would've had the baby before they found a new place. But thankfully they found a place and we helped them move in last Sunday. At least it gave her something to do while waiting for labour to start and she's been wanting to nest but their other place was all set up and super clean already, lol.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cake Pt. 2

(cycle 5, day 9)

I got that cake done! It took me so long on all the details but I'm happy with the way it turned out. Though now that I've done that cake just with icing, I would like to try it out with fondant since it would probably be a lot faster and easier to do. Or buy paint brushes and paint the colour on instead of the way i did it. I'd probably waste a lot less icing if i did that way...  In hindsight, I probably should have started the cake Thursday night and got that first coat of icing on it and smoothed it nicely and then worked on the detail Friday night instead of having to sacrifice a few details because I ran out of time. Next time. And note to self: always take the time to flour the cake pan...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


(cycle 5, day 4)

I can't believe how many breakout's I've gotten since going off the pill  :'-(  It's horrible. I don't think I even broke out this much when I was a teenager. Sure, I'd have the odd pimple here and there, but not like this. I pretty much always have 2-3 on my face, if not more and I've also got small ones on my chest. Is it sad that I'm already looking forward to going back on the pill after we have a baby?
I was considering an IUD so I wouldn't have to take a pill every day and it's a more long term form of birth control, but I think I'll have to find out if the hormones are basically the same so they clear my face up...
Oh the joys of hormones!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


(cycle 5, day 1)

So I got a call from uncle tonight to make my cousin's birthday party cake. I can't wait to do it, its going to be LEGO themed. It's going to be so much fun to do. Now I get to do some research on how to make it. Fondant or icing. I haven't worked with fondant, but I want to try it out and see how it goes. And with the money I get, I'll buy more cake decorating supplies :-) I think it's so cool to get a call from family asking me to make cakes.

And yes, today dear af arrived. I'm not upset since we didn't want it to happen last month because we want to go to New Brunswick. But now we can start actually trying, exactly when we were planning on trying the first time we were talking about starting a family when we got engaged. I can't wait!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy Friday :)

(cycle 4, day 28)


on my agenda for the weekend:
-shovel the driveway for the millionth time this winter
-finally mail out thank you cards
-buy material to fix the utensil drawer inserts that keep falling apart (i made them from a cereal box, wrapped it in mactac and hot glue gunned it in place. every so often the glue gives way and the utensils intermingle)
-move the computer room downstairs so we can start fixing up that room for a future baby
-visit with sean's sister when they come down saturday

as for our TTC journey, i'm still going to chart with my regular thermometer as fertility friend seems to have picked up when i ovulated. also my temps aren't so all over the place anymore. i think i've gotten used to the routine so my temps aren't as erratic so next month's chart will hopefully look better. so i'll see when i get aunt flo if it was right, then start really working on making a baby next cycle!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Finally a New Jacket, lol

(cycle 4, day 23)

after 8 years, my boarding coat kicked the bucket. last weekend when i went snowboarding, the pull on the front zipper snapped off and one of the elastics on a side pockets came off. also, while at the apartment that my uncle was renovating, i got a smudge of paint on it. i must have been subconsiously trying to sabotage the coat, i've only been wanting to buy a new one the last couple years, i just never had the money to do it, lol. so today i went and bought a new one. its nothing crazy exciting but its new and pretty and not dirty, yet.

i touched on the apartment that my uncle was working on... god was that place a waste of money. sure, he's doing a good thing by renovating it after it was pretty well destroyed by a woman who never cleans and her cat that urinates everywhere, but i don't think he spent the money or time wisely. he squeezed what should be at least 2 weeks + worth of work into just 5-6 days. corners were cut everywhere and i think he'll have to fix it up a lot sooner than he would if he had done the work right. everything is painted this aweful yellow wheat kind of colour, everything, the trim, the cupboards in every. single. room.  when he laid the new floor, i think he cheaped out and bought the cheapest flooring he could just to get the job done instead of going with something that would last a long time incase the new tenants are a little lazy on the cleaning end. not only did he cheap out, but because he didnt pull the door frames off, there's gaps that he filled with black caulking, looks like crap and how slum lords would fix things... just a mess if you ask me. not what i would have done if it were my property, but its not so its not my place. but he does realize that he bit off more than he could chew with the amount of work there was.
my mom was also helping out. god does she drive me nuts. i always hate working on things with her. he way, or no way. i tried to avoid working with her the whole time. unfortunately i couldnt avoid it on the last day which was a huge mistake. i really regretted it about 1 minute in. she just has a way of irritating me, and whenever she's talking about something she doesn't approve of, she perses her lips in the most annoying way. no wonder she has wrinkles there. she also passes judgement on a lot of ppl who dont even deserve it. she claims she's not judgemental at all, but i think she's seeing herself through rose tinted glasses.
i just hope he gives us something for all the work we all did for him. if it wasnt for us, he wouldn't be done til next week or later. i'm actually kind of regretting helping and giving up my evenings relaxing at home with my husband and my puppy. just dont tell him that.

now i'm sitting watching my sunday night shows waiting for sean to get home from the icemen game... ready for a new week, maybe.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Learned Something New About Charting :-)

(cycle 4, day 19)

so i'm a little bummed that i didn't search high and low for a bbt thermometer but at least now i have one for when we have kids with fevers ;-)
on the mommyhood app on facebook, one of the girls on there explained the difference between a bbt and a regular thermometer. in all the reading i've done, i've never seen it explained so clearly. i have yet to see a bbt in a store, but i also never asked the pharmacists about them. no wonder my temps are all over the place!
after learning this new information, i'm pretty sure i actually ovulated on new years day or the day after if i go by the other signs of ovulation i've been watching out for. TMI ALERT!!! on new years day, i did have an occurance of excess CM that was very much like egg whites. i've never had that before and if i did, i didn't notice. but because my temps weren't showing any evidence of ovulation, i didn't know what to think.
now i'm going to start searching for a bbt so hopefully next month's charting goes a lot better than this month.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A New Year

(cycle 4, day 18)

well its 2011. lots going on this year. a few big birthdays in my family this year too. my uncle turns 40, i turn 25, my mom turns 50, sean turns 30 and one of my cousins turn 10. also up this year: my sister-in-law is due in 24 days, hopefully we get pregnant and have a baby before the year is out, celebrate our first year of marriage, and we have the big maclean family reunion in august. lots to do, lots to do!  :-D

before the end of 2010, we went to my cousins birthday on dec. 28. he turned 9. i told sean to pick up a gift on his way home from work so that we could get over there quicker when i got home. i told him $20 and he spent $50, typical, lol. but he did love the game sean picked out and i think it was the gift he was most excited about that night...

i liked this new years better than last years. last year we went to a party that one of seans coworkers had, but we barely knew anyone and didnt have any fun. this year, we spent it with his sister at their place in the city. we brought hayhay with us since we were spending the night and they're allowed pets in their building. she doesnt get along with their dog very well, but she's slowly getting better. on new years day, once we were all awake and functional, we headed out for a late breakfast and left the dogs alone at home. when we got back, we were pleased to see no accidents and no evident injuries to either dog, phew! i thought for sure they would try to tear the place apart when left alone, lol.
we headed home in the afternoon and both napped in front of the tv for a couple hours :-)  i also finally got around to taking down the christmas tree. sean didnt have enough energy to clean up the rest of the corner of the basement so we could move the computer room down there. oh well. there's other days, it'll eventually get done. it'll just be nice to have the computer downstairs instead of all the way upstairs and then we can start fixing up that room for our future baby.

on a different note, i think i'm getting the hang of charting my BBT. think. i should know tomorrow morning or a couple days from now if i am or not. i started thinking it wasnt working since my temps are all over the place ranging 0.6 degrees, but today it was up a tiny bit. i was starting to get bummed cuz i thought it wasnt working since i'm already on day 18 and haven't seen any evidence that i may have ovulated, until today. hopefully tomorrow's temp is at least the same if not higher and continues that way for the new few days. otherwise, i'm at a loss and i guess i'll be hunting for an acutal BBT thermometer... if my cycle is the same as it's been, i should have ovulated by now, or i just have a short luteal phase (now i understand what the heck that is, lol) and i ovulate later in my cycle or i'm just having a longer cycle this time. not sure which, but i may have ovulated yesterday. hopefully anyway and this temping thing isn't a waste this month. we'll see.